Promo Banners
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About promo banners on
Currently, supports three types of promo banners:
- Benefit announcements, which relate to content focused on benefits: a new tool, a new online benefit application, etc.
- Email Signups, which relate to email signups for various VA updates / alerts / communications.
- News Stories, which relate to newly received or noteworthy information about the VA.
You can read more about these promo types in the VA Design System.
Who can create and edit promo banners?
Currently, only Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs editors have access to promo banners.
No preview is available at this time.
How to do it
- On your content page after logging in, click the "Content type" dropdown menu and select "Promo banner."
- Click "Apply."
- In the results, find the promo banner and click "Edit."
- Click the "Promo type" dropdown menu and select the type.
- Enter the "Link text." Follow VA style guidelines for link text.
- In the "URL" field, for an external URL, copy and past the entire URL, including http or https. For internal Drupal content, start to enter the name of the content and click on the suggested match that you want. Note not only the title but also the content type of suggested matches.
- Currently, the promo banner displays on all pages. Skip "Paths."
- Scroll down to "Editorial workflow."
- Click "Save as" and select a moderation state.
- Enter a brief "Revision log message."
- Click "Save."
For content admins
Path field
The path field determines what URLs will show the alert.
Only content admins (members of OCTO-DE Sitewide content team) can edit paths.
For example, a path field entry like "/health-care/" means the alert will only appear on the Health Care Benefits Hub page. You can add multiple path entries, and each entry can target a different page. You can also used advanced settings including wildcards and exclusions.
You can target paths that are known to Drupal, as well as non-Drupal paths (eg React apps).
Leading and trailing slashes
- Paths must start with an forward slash "/", except for exclusions (see below).
- Trailing slashes are optional. "/health-care/" and "/health-care" are treated the same.
Wildcards (*)
You can use a "*" as a wildcard to target multiple paths at once. For example:
- /health-care/* will target all pages within /health-care/, including /health-care/how-to-apply, /health-care/pay-copay-bill, etc.
- You can also place the wildcard at the beginning of the path, like so: /*-health-care/ will appear on all VAMC home pages. /*-health-care/* would appear on all VAMC home pages and child pages.
Exclusions (!)
You can use a "!" to exclude paths.For example:
- !/health-care/apply would hide the alert on the /health-care/apply page.
- !/health-care/apply/* would hide it for the whole directory
Combining wildcards and exclusions
Getting fancy here! It's possible to combine a wildcard and an exclusion in separate entries. For example:
- adding "/health-care/*" and "!/health-care/pay-copay-bill/" means that all pages in the Health Care benefits hub will be targetted, except those in the /health-care/pay-copay-bill/ page. Keep in mind, the exclusions always win if there are two entries that conflict with each other.
Homepage (/)
- You can target homepage with a "/" in the path field.
- You can target the entire site with "/*".