
COVID updates

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VA Houston health care | COVID | Veterans Affairs
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During these challenging times, your Houston VA is committed to making sure you have access to our health care services. Our top priority is ensuring you continue to receive the highest quality healthcare.

VA Houston is working hard to stop the risk of COVID-19 infection and its spread to Veterans, employees, and visitors at the Houston VA and its CBOCs. Your VA visits will continue to be different for a while.

We are prepared to use several options to deliver care during this time, including maximizing virtual care where appropriate, maximizing staff vaccination including booster doses, and if necessary, rescheduling non-urgent appointments and procedures until a later time as deemed safe by your medical team.

Prepare for your visit

Everyone entering our facilities Is screened. Medical face masks are mandatory. Get updates on affected services and facilities.

VA masking requirement

To protect the health and safety of our Veterans and staff, we are requiring medical masks for all who enter our facilities (the main hospital in Houston and all community outpatient clinics). No cloth masks, bandanas, neck gaiters, or masks with valves. Houston VA will be issuing medical masks to all Veterans coming to appointments at our medical center or outpatient clinics.

Remember: wear your mask properly over your mouth and nose, continue to physically distance, and wash your hands before and after taking off your mask!

If you are hearing impaired and need to read lips, please let a VA employee know and we will accommodate your needs.


For the safety of our Veteran patients and our staff, we are limiting visitors to our medical center. When you do come to one of our VA clinics or our main medical center for an appointment, please come alone if at all possible.  

Read more about our visitation policy.

COVID-19 vaccines and testing

Being fully vaccinated, receiving a booster shot, and wearing a mask in public indoor settings is the most effective way to protect yourself and others against COVID.  If you have not been fully vaccinated or received a booster, we encourage you to walk in to our main medical center or our community clinics, Monday through Friday during business hours.  There is no need to make an appointment for a COVID vaccine. 

Visit our vaccine and testing page for more information.
