Title Flu Vaccination Program 2022-23 Meta Meta description VA Eastern Kansas Flu Vaccination Program 2022-23. Getting a flu shot protects you, your family and your community. Content Page introduction Getting a flu shot protects you, your family and your community. The CDC recommends getting your flu shot before October 31st of each year. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content Enrolled Veterans have several options to receive a no-cost flu vaccine this year: If you have an upcoming routine appointment with your provider, you can receive your flu shot in clinic, at any Primary Care, Behavioral Health or Specialty Clinic. At any of our drive-through flu shot clinics. Through the VA’s Community Care Network. Drive-through Flu Shot Clinics We’ve made it easier than ever to get your free flu shot! Receive your flu shot in the convenience of your vehicle at any of our drive-through flu shot clinics. For more information on drive through dates and locations, visit our Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinics page. COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters COVID-19 vaccines and boosters will not be given at the drive-through flu clinic. However, Veterans who wish to receive both a COVID-19 vaccine or booster AND a Flu Vaccine on the same day should review our drive-through flu clinic dates when booking their COVID-19 vaccine. To schedule a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, call our Scheduling Unit at 1-800-574-8387, Ext. 54453. Flu Vaccines - Age 65 and Older The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) / CDC this year voted for preferential use of a higher-dose flu vaccine or an adjuvanted flu vaccine for persons 65 years or older. Per CDC: “If one of these vaccines is not available at the time of administration, people in this age group should get a standard-dose unadjuvanted inactivated flu vaccine instead.” See more - CDC Guidance - Age 65 and Older. Community Care Network - No-Cost Flu Shots Eligible Veterans can also get no-cost flu vaccines at in-network retail pharmacies and urgent care clinics through the VA’s Community Care Network (CCN). If needed, you can also get vaccinated for COVID at the same time. Flu shots are available through the CCN from September 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023. See important instructions: How to Get a Free Flu Shot Through the Community Care Network. Take your VA ID card and the VA’s Billing Information Flyer below. (Print, take a screenshot or pull up this page at the time of vaccine): VA Billing Information Flyer If you Receive a Flu Shot at Any Community Location: Please notify your team or send a SECURE MESSAGE using My Health-E-Vet, including your name, last 4 digits of SSN, and the date and location you received the vaccine so your medical record can be updated. Bringing your vaccine information to your scheduled appointments is always appreciated so your record can be updated. Protect yourself and others – receive your FREE yearly flu vaccine!