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Learn about where you'll go for care through VA, including your nearest VA medical center, VA clinic, and Vet Center. Find out what to do if you need to get emergency care from a non-VA facility, if you live in a rural location far from a VA health facility, or if you need care while traveling.

Where you'll go for care

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When you sign up for VA health care, you become part of the country’s largest integrated health care system—with more than 1,200 care locations serving nearly 9 million Veterans each year. Learn more about where you’ll get care.

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More about where you’ll get care


Where do I get care if I live in a rural area, far from a VA medical center?

Where should I go for care in an emergency?

Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. You don’t have to contact us in advance. (Note: We consider an emergency to be a condition that a reasonable person believes will put your health or life at risk if you don’t get treatment right away.)

If you’re far from a VA medical center, we may pay for emergency care in a non-VA setting. Be sure to contact your nearest VA medical center as soon as possible—and ask to talk to the patient transfer or patient administration representative. Payment for emergency care in a non-VA setting ends when a VA provider concludes that you’re stable enough to be transferred to a VA medical center.

For more information, call your local VA medical center’s enrollment coordinator.
Or get more details on emergency care coverage

What should I do if I move?

Let us know right away so we can help set up care in your new location. To change your address, call us at 877-222-VETS (877-222-8387), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET. If you’re moving outside the U.S., you’ll need to sign up for our Foreign Medical Program. Through this program, we’ll pay for certain needed health care services received in foreign countries to treat a service-connected disability or a disability that’s making a service-connected condition worse.
Learn more about our Foreign Medical Program

What if I need care while traveling?

Let us know in advance so we can plan for your care at a VA location near where you’ll be staying. Please give us at least 4 to 6 weeks’ notice if you can.

Please give your VA care team:

  • Your travel destination(s) and temporary address
  • A telephone number where we can reach you while you’re away
  • Your arrival and departure dates
  • Any specific care concerns

We can also mail prescription refills to you at your temporary address. Just be sure to allow about 2 weeks for the refills to arrive.
Refill your prescriptions

For more information, contact your care team or the Traveling Veteran Coordinator at your local VA medical center.
Find a medical center near you

Note: If you’re planning to travel outside the U.S., you’ll need to sign up for our Foreign Medical Program.
Learn more about our Foreign Medical Program

How do I schedule an appointment?

You can schedule VA health care appointments by phone or through our online scheduling tool.
Find out how to schedule VA appointments by phone or online

Can you help me get to and from appointments?

Yes, we may be able to help you get to and from appointments in certain cases. Or, we may pay you back for the cost of transportation if you qualify for help.
Learn more about VA transportation services

Can you help me cover travel expenses if I need to travel for care?

Yes, we may be able to help with travel expenses if you need to travel for care.
Learn more about VA transportation services

What if I need care quickly, but it’s not a life-threatening emergency?

You can get care right away for minor injuries and illness, like pink eye or ear infections, at urgent care facilities or walk-in retail health clinics that are part of our community provider network. To use these services, you’ll need to enrolled in VA health care and have received care from us within the past 24 months.
Learn more about urgent care