Los Angeles Vet Center - Veteran connections

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Vet Center service description

We understand that the transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge. We offer a variety of ways to assist you in that process such as:

  • How to get VA medical benefits and register for care
  • Where to go to file claims and other forms
  • Understanding your VA education benefits
  • Housing and home loans
  • Education and referral for VA burial benefits

The Los Angeles Vet Center can also connect you to Veterans Service Organizations in your community.

Huntington Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care

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Vet Center service description

The homeless Veteran Resource Center is a referral service that  is located at 624 9th Street in downtown Huntington, near other important community resources. The Center’s staff provides homeless Veterans and those at risk for homelessness with job assistance, counseling, housing referrals and laundry and shower facilities. The Center also houses a donation room and in house emergency food pantry.
