Wheeling Vet Center - Telehealth
Wheeling Vet Center offers remote/virtual counseling and outreach through VA Video Connect, and WebEx.
Wheeling Vet Center - Community engagement
Wheeling Vet Center supports local Veterans through partnerships with local universities, businesses, military installations, and National Guard Armories. We also provide referrals to Veteran Service Organizations in the community.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Telehealth
The Yakima Valley Vet Center offers virtual counseling sessions by phone and video.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Veteran connections
If you’re returning from military service, we’ll help you transition to civilian life. We can connect you with educational and career counseling, mental health services, and other programs and benefits that will support your transition.
We understand that the transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge. We offer a variety of ways to assist you in that process such as:
- Referral to Veteran Service Officer (VSO)
- Service connections
- Widow compensation
- Veteran supportive activity groups
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Suicide prevention
Veterans Crisis Line 1 800-273-8255
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Returning service member care
We offer debriefing counseling services for returning military service members.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - PTSD care
Here at the Yakima Valley Vet Center, we offer individual sessions and group therapy.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Military sexual trauma care
The Yakima Vet Center has male and female counselors on staff offering individual counseling sessions.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Mental health care
Here at the Yakima Valley Vet Center, we offer individual sessions and group therapy.
We refer Veterans and service members to the Veterans Yakima Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) or to organizations in our community for mental health medication management.
Yakima Valley Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
At the Yakima Valley Vet Center, we refer Veterans to the following organizations for housing assistance
- Yakima Housing Authority
- Housing and Urban Development - Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)
- Supportive Services for Veterans and Families (SSVF)