
Chaplain Service Training Programs

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Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Internship, Residency, Fellowship, and Educator training
Page introduction
The Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Internship, Residency, Fellowship, and Educator training at the VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System (VANEOHS) is the product of many years of interfaith cooperation for ministry that brings members of any and all faiths into supervised encounters with those experiencing health care situations with various needs, some whom may be in crisis.
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Application Information 

This training center admits qualified trainees to its programs on a rolling basis.  Applicants are considered in the order in which their completed applications are received. In order to establish a cohort that reflects the values of our organization and the needs of the patients we serve; we encourage qualified applicants from all faith traditions to apply.


Information about VA Chaplain Service can be found here.

General application and instructions ca be found here.

Program Brochures

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Additional information

Chaplain Stacy Kenney, MDiv, BCC
ACPE Certified Educator and Director of Clinical Pastoral Education
stacy.kenney2@va.gov 216-791-3800 ext. 63408

Chaplain Sahra Harding, MDiv, BCC
ACPE Certified Educator and Director of Clinical Pastoral Education
sahra.harding@va.gov.  216-791-3800 ext. 64115

VANEOHS Chaplain training programs are accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE), an affiliate of the Department of Education (DOE), and by the COMISS Commission for Accreditation of Pastoral Services (CCAPS).