Title Programs Meta Meta description Programs at VA Orlando Healthcare System Content Page introduction Explore Orlando VA's diverse program offerings, which include patient health care, cutting-edge clinical research, and other specialties. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content Orlando VA Community Nursing Home Referral Process & Contacts Eligibility Veterans may be eligible for the VA to authorize their care in a Community Nursing Home. Veteran eligibility is explained in VHA Notice 2020-32 (Refer to the document at the bottom). Community providers are encouraged to verify eligibility before submitting a referral. To determine eligibility, please contact: If discharging from a hospital, please contact the Orlando VA Discharge Planning Coordinator at 407-785-4563 If the Veteran is not currently hospitalized, please contact your Orlando VA PACT Social Worker to verify eligibility. Referrals from a Community Hospital After eligibility is confirmed, the following hyperlink outlines a referral checklist for hospital case managers to follow and provides contact information for follow-up (Refer to CNH Referral Hospital Checklist at the bottom). Referrals from outside a Community Hospital For Veterans being referred for VA-authorized Community Nursing Home placement from a non-VA Skilled Nursing Facility, from a Hospice Inpatient Unit, or from home, please contact your Primary Care Social Worker for eligibility. This hyperlink provides a referral checklist to follow (Refer to CNH Referral Non-Hospital Checklist at the bottom). Records should be submitted to the PACT Social Worker to coordinate the referral. Community Nursing Home List For Veterans being referred to a Community Nursing Home for short-term rehab, please use the document titled “CCN Optum SNF STR List” for a list of facilities in the Optum/Community Care Network that can accept your referrals with VA approval. For Veterans being referred for Community Nursing Home placement for skilled care without rehab, for long-term care, for respite or for hospice care, please use the document titled “OVAHCS CNH List” for a list of facilities that can accept your referrals with VA payer. Community Care Optum Customer Service 888-901-6613 to join network or check status of recruiting. Staff profile Tyra Janke Staff profile Megan Barton Staff profile Jo Ann Giunta VHA Notice 2020-32 CNHP (PDF) CCN Optum SNF STR List (DOCX) OVAHCS CNH List 2023 (DOC) CNH Referral Non-Hospital Checklist (DOCX) CNH Referral Hospital Checklist (DOCX) Orlando VA Community Health Nursing: Home Care Discharge Resources & Contacts Eligibility For Home Care All veterans are eligible for homecare services regardless of service connection disability. Veterans Must be enrolled at time of request. If Veteran is NOT enrolled, please ensure that he/she presents to the VA clinic Interim care clinic to establish care For further enrollment question, please contact the enrollment office at 321-637-3788 Referral for Homecare Services For homecare referrals to include need for oxygen, DME, Tube feeding, Life vest, IV, Trach, VAC, auth request, and electronic prescription, please access the Homecare Resource forms and complete the necessary referral forms. Homecare Resource Forms: Enteral Feeding Discharge Form (PDF) Wound_VAC_Discharge_form.pdf (PDF) VA Pharmacy Info For Community Hospitals.pdf (PDF) Tracheostomy_Discharge_Request_form.pdf (PDF) O2Form.pdf (PDF) Home_IV_Therapy_Discharge_Checklist.pdf (PDF) Fee_Auth _Request_.pdf (PDF) External_Defibrillator_Vest_Form.pdf (PDF) DME_Discharge_Checklist.pdf (PDF) Anticoag_Therapy_Discharge_Checklist.pdf (PDF) Trigger text Enteral Feeding Discharge Enteral Feeding Discharge 2022 (PDF)