Chaplain Service
Chaplains provide caring, competent and respectful spiritual care to Veterans, and their loved ones, from all faith traditions and spiritual paths.
VA Portland Chaplains are available on the Portland and Vancouver campus Monday to Friday, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., and are on call for spiritual care emergencies overnight and on weekends.
Chaplains are members of the interprofessional teams for both inpatient medical care as well as outpatient mental health care. If you wish to have a personal religious leader or faith group representative contacted, we can assist in arranging those visits.
Our chapels on the 3rd floor of the Portland Campus and in the Community Living Center at the Vancouver campus are open 24 hours a day for individual prayer, meditation or quiet reflection.
We look forward to assisting you with your spiritual needs while here.
Interfaith chapels are available in the Portland VA Medical Center or Portland VA Medical Center-Vancouver. It's open to anyone at any time for quiet meditation and reflection. Our chaplains also hold regularly scheduled worship services in the chapel.
For more information, contact one of our chaplains at Portland VA Medical Center at 503-220-8262, ext. 57090, or for the Vancouver campus, ext. 31435.
Interfaith Chapels
Portland VA Medical Center
Building 100
Map of Portland VA Medical Center campus
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PT
Portland VA Medical Center-Vancouver
Community Living Center
Map of Portland VA Medical Center-Vancouver campus
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PT