Title Operating status | VA Portland health care VAMC system VA Portland health care System-wide alerts Masking & COVID vaccinations Facility operating statuses Portland VA Medical Center Vancouver VA Medical Center Fairview VA Clinic Hillsboro VA Clinic Lincoln City VA Clinic Loren R. Kaufman VA Clinic Newport VA Clinic North Coast VA Clinic Portland VA Clinic Robert D. Maxwell Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic Salem VA Clinic West Linn VA Clinic Patient resources Patient resources Emergency: 911 VA Police: 503-808-1911 Veterans Crisis Line: 988, select 1, or text to 838255 Change your appointment: 503-220-8262, select 2 VA Portland Inpatient locator (via VA Operator): 503-220-8262, select 0 Pharmacy automated refill line: 503-273-5201 or 888-400-8387 Eligibility / Enrollment Services: 503-273-5069 Local emergency resources Oregon Emergency Management Oregon State Police Oregon Department of Transportation Washington State Emergency Management Division Washington State Patrol Washington State Department of Transportation