What is Mindfulness and Mindfulness Training?
Mindfulness, or mindful awareness, can be defined as bringing gentle awareness to one's present moment experience, on purpose, with an attitude of curiosity, openness, and even kindness. Put simply, it means paying attention to what you're paying attention to. However, as our experience quickly shows us (if we choose to pay attention), we spend an amazing amount of time lost in thoughts, emotional reactivity, old habits, and dis-connected from the world around us.
Mindfulness training, is a method or technique, and refers to a family of meditation or attentional practices as well as certain movement practices, that when engaged in over time, lead to greater levels of mindful awareness as well as other positive mental states.
"It feels difficult to even quantify what was most helpful about this program, as I truly believe having this opportunity to explore MBSC in this way could be truly life changing for me."
-- Registered Nurse, Mindfulness-Based Self Care graduate, VA Portland
Why is Mindfulness so Popular?
Well, the simple answer is that research has consistently shown mindfulness training leads to a variety of physical and psychological health benefits. Some of the most reliable changes include improvements in anxiety, depression, stress, sleep, chronic pain, GI difficulties, blood pressure, quality of life, and self-esteem.
"I have learned how to be more calm, present and feel a much lower stress level."
-- MBSR Veteran Graduate, VA Portland.
Mindfulness training has also been shown to improve relationships with others, and in a work setting, to support employee well-being. Thus, mindfulness has the potential to benefit not only each Veteran and Staff member, but also to improve the communication and relationships between Veterans and Staff.
"I hope that every VA employee will have this opportunity to experience this training because it will not only improve the interactions with colleagues and Veterans but also the relationship with one self and loved-ones."
-- Registered Nurse, Mindfulness-Based Self Care Graduate