Title Greetings from the directors of training – how to apply - link Meta Meta description How to apply to theVA Portland Clinical Psychology Internship and Postdoctoral Psychology Fellowship Programs. Content Page introduction This is for the VA Portland Clinical Psychology Internship and Postdoctoral Psychology Fellowship Programs. Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content Welcome to the VA Portland Health Care System Clinical Psychology Internship and Postdoctoral Psychology Fellowship Programs. Detailed instructions about how to apply to each of our training programs are included in our brochures. The Psychology Service and Psychology Training Committee evaluate internship applications, and the respective lead supervisors evaluate fellowship applications. We assess your experience, your ability to prosper in our programs, and the congruence between your training goals and the experiences we offer. We appreciate the fact that this is a hectic time for you. If we can be of any help during this process, please call or e-mail us with your questions. Thank you for your interest in our psychology training programs. We look forward to reviewing your application! To apply to the internship program (APPIC Match #152711): * Links will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs Website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites. The link will open in a new window. Complete the online AAPI application (*), including your transcripts, CV, and three Letters of Recommendation Submit a VA Portland-specific Statement of Interest as your cover letter in the online AAPI See the Clinical Psychology Internship Brochure on the Clinical Psychology Training Programs web page for details Staff profile Jason Steward To apply to the fellowship program, use the APPA CAS system website. We request the following for your application: Letter of Intent; an example can be found on the Clinical Psychology Training Programs web page. Curriculum Vitae Three professional letters of recommendation (at least one from an internship supervisor) DCT Letter verifying completion of all graduation requirements by fellowship start date Graduate school transcript(s) (photocopies are OK) A letter from your director of training confirming your degree will be conferred before the fellowship start date Two neuropsychological reports (Neuropsychology track only; see the Clinical Psychology Fellowships Brochure or the Clinical Neuropsychology Fellowship Supplemental Brochure) See the Clinical Psychology Internship Brochure for details (PDF) Staff profile Cassi Franklin Related Links Related Links Oregon Health & Science University OHSU is Oregon’s only public academic health center. OHSU is a system of hospitals and clinics across Oregon and southwest Washington and an institution of higher learning, with schools of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and public health – and with a network of campuses and partners throughout Oregon.