Title Volunteer or donate Meta Meta description You can make a difference when you volunteer at or donate to the Roseburg VA Health Care System. Content Page introduction Roseburg VA Health Care System depends on the goodwill of our supporters. You can make a difference when you help us serve our Veterans. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content Become a volunteer Volunteers provide many important functions throughout the health care system and help make our patients' stay more enjoyable. Volunteers can perform several services, and a volunteer's talents are closely matched with one of our many assignments. To volunteer, call or visit the Roseburg VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement Office (CDCE), located on the Roseburg VA Medical Center campus. We will be happy to receive your application or discuss how you can help us in our mission to provide comfort and care to America's Veterans. Volunteer Drivers Many Veterans depend on generous volunteer drivers to get them to and from their Roseburg VA Health Care System appointments. The Veterans Transportation Service (VTS) uses VA purchased vans, driven by VA volunteer drivers, to transport our Veterans to and from medical appointments. The VTS is a partnership between the Department of Veterans Affairs and local community transportation systems. The VTS can transport patients with special needs (wheel chairs, walkers or oxygen in small canisters). In some cases, VTS can pick up and drop off at the special needs veterans’ residence. Without dedicated VTS volunteer drivers, many Veterans would be unable to get to and from their medical appointments. Volunteer drivers are always needed. This is one of the highest liabilities placed on volunteers and we take this position very serious. Drivers transport our nation’s most honored heroes, therefore to become a volunteer driver you must possess: Valid state issued driver’s license Clean driver’s record/VA driver’s check Current liability insurance Pass a VA issued health screening/physical Fingerprint background check For more information on becoming a volunteer VTS driver for the Roseburg VA Health Care System, please contact the VTS Coordinator at 541-404-1CAB (1222) or contact Voluntary Services at 541-440-1000 Extension 45311.