
Research Opportunities

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research studies, research opportunities, opportunities for human subject studies
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VA San Diego Healthcare System & Veterans Medical Research Foundation (VMRF) invite you to participate in some of our volunteer human subjects research programs conducted by VA San Diego Healthcare System researchers. All of these studies are approved by our local Institutional Review Board (a group of diverse members from the VA and the community) and must meet strict standards for research and ethics.
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Please review the studies posted below and then contact the person listed on the study sheet.
NOTE: If you would like to sign-up for a study, please print a copy of the specific study sheet to bring with you to your appointment. This will help VA staff in directing you to the appropriate office. We hope you will benefit from participating in these studies.  Thank you again for helping your Veterans and your community.

Cancer/Cancer Prevention

Mental Health

Pain and Headache

Parkinson's Disease

