
Advance Directive Fair for Veterans

Teaser description
Advance Directive Fair for Veterans
Date and time
- (1:00pm - 5:00pm EDT)
Full event description

Mann-Grandstaff VAMC IntegratedEthics is partnering with Social Work to offer an Advance Directive Fair from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. June 22, 2022.  

Opportunities will be available for Veterans to learn about Advance Directives, start the process, and finish the Advance Directive form. MGVAMC staff will only be completing medical advance directives, and not financial.  

Point of contact for this event is Kathy Miller, (509) 434-7212, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please do not leave any personal health information on voicemail messages. 

Here are some things to think about regarding Advance Directives:
- What kind of treatment would you want if you were hurt, sick, or injured and could not communicate?
- Who do you trust to make healthcare decisions for you, if you cannot make them for yourself?
- Have you discussed your wishes with your family, friends, or medical providers?
- Have you completed an Advance Directive for Healthcare to guide those you trust to make your healthcare decisions?
- It is never too early until it is too late to complete an Advance Directive for Healthcare.
- Advance Directives for Healthcare improve people’s lives. We all have CHOICES and these conversations help your care team know what matters most to YOU.
-You can always ask to schedule an appointment to schedule an Advance Directive any time of year through your PACT Social Worker.

Building, floor, or room
Outdoors (follow the signs)

4815 N. Assembly Street
Spokane, WA
United States

Location type
At a VA facility
Registration related
Registration is required for this event