
Visitor Guidelines

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Washington DC VA Medical Center Visitor Guidelines
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The health and safety of our patients, caregivers and staff members are a priority.
The outlined visitor guidelines have been updated to balance safe operations and the needs of patients and their loved ones.
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Medical Center Inpatient/Outpatient Guidelines

  • Visitation Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Visitors/Companions Must Be Over 18 Years Of Age
  • One (1) or Two (2) Visitors Per/Day On Inpatient Units  
  • One (1) Companion Visitor During Outpatient Appointments
  • Visitors/Companions Must Wear An Appropriate Face Covering
  • Identify As A Visitor or Companion At The Main Entrance
  • Display The Issued “Visitor” Badge
  • Check In At The Nurses Station Before Entering An Inpatient Room
  • No Eating In Waiting Areas, Treatment Rooms Or Patient Rooms
  • Limit Access To The Veteran’s Room Only

Guidelines may vary on a case-by-case basis. The Washington DC VA Medical Center uses a color-coded, tiered visitation risk level system to determine

how we safely manage visitor guidelines during outpatient visits and inpatient stays. The visitation risk levels are based on the number of COVID-19 cases

in the community according to federal, city and state public health information, as well as conditions in our health care environments. Risk levels are assessed regularly and may adjust.

Visitors must follow all outlined safety precautions, even if fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19.

Visitors not in compliance will be asked to leave the facility.


This chart contains a tiered system of visitor guidelines that are in place at the DC VA Medical Center and Community-Based Outpatient Clinics. These guidelines will be set weekly, based on surrounding community COVID-19 rates and the internal operating status at the Washington DC VA Medical Center.