
VALOR - VA Learning Opportunities Residency

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The VALOR Program is designed to attract academically successful students of bachelorette nursing programs to work at VA as registered nurse
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The VALOR Program is designed to attract academically successful students of bachelorette nursing programs to work at VA as registered nurses. This program gives outstanding students the opportunity to develop competencies in clinical nursing while at a VA approved healthcare facility.
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Opportunities for learning include didactic or classroom experiences, competency based clinical practice with a qualified RN Preceptor, and participation in nursing focused clinical conferences.

VALOR students are more likely to join the VA upon graduation.  VALOR participants who take a position with VA upon graduation are usually hired above the entry-level salary rate established for new graduates due to having already been oriented to VA and its practice requirements.

Selection process

Selection of participants is done at the local level by the VA Western Colorado Health Care System Education and Development and Management teams.  Interviews will be conducted during the month of March with position announcements to follow.  In-processing of new VALOR students will begin in April and appointments will start in May.

Eligibility and qualifications

Students recruited for the program must have completed the final semester or quarter of their junior year in a National League for Nursing (NLN) or Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) of the American Association of Colleges and Nursing accredited Baccalaureate or generic equivalent nursing program.

Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale based on academic work accepted for credit towards a nursing degree.  Students must also be able to complete a minimum of 400 hours as a nursing VALOR student in a VA facility, be a U.S. citizen, and meet physical examination standards at the time of entry in the Nursing VALOR Program.

VALOR students may be appointed on a full- or part-time basis during the summer months, and may continue during their senior academic year on a part-time basis.  Students must not be obligated under a service obligation to any federal, state, or private institution and not be recipients of any Federal scholarships that incur a service obligation to another organization.

Application dates and deadlines

Contact the VALOR Program Coordinator for more information on applying for the Nursing VALOR Program at VA Western Colorado Healthcare System.

Julie Gingerich, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CNML
Director of Academic Nursing  & Clinical Trainee Experiences
Phone:  970-263-6290
Email:  julie.gingerich@va.gov


VALOR Program Coordinator

Julie Gingerich, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CNML
Director of Academic Nursing  & Clinical Trainee Experiences
Phone:  970-263-6290
Email:  julie.gingerich@va.gov