
Patient Advocates Office

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VA Bay Pines health care patient advocates help Veterans resolve problems and get the care they deserve. Find out how to connect with a patient advocate.
Page introduction
The patient advocates at VA Bay Pines health care are specially trained to help you resolve issues with your care. If you've experienced any problems that you haven't been able to resolve by talking with your care team, please reach out to one of our patient advocates.
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Connect with a patient advocate

Our Patient Advocate and Veteran Experience Program was established to promote positive experiences for all our Veterans. A fundamental value in VHA is for all our Veterans and their families, who are served in or through VHA facilities and clinics, to have their priorities and needs addressed in a proactive, convenient, and timely manner.

Our patient advocates are located on the first floor of the C.W. Bill Young main hospital (bldg. 100) on our Bay Pines campus, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and also in the Lee County VA Healthcare Center, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you experience a problem at any of our locations, please call one of our Patient Advocates to discuss. If you are unable to reach them using the information listed below, please call 727-398-9524.

You can also contact us through secure messaging on My HealtheVet

Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile
Staff profile

Care we provide at VA Bay Pines health care

Our patient advocates work hard to make sure you receive the best possible care. They offer help with:

  • Patient concerns with the care team
  • Advocating for patient and family rights

Survey of Healthcare Experience of Patients

After your visit, you may receive a confidential questionnaire in the mail asking you about your most recent outpatient or inpatient treatment at our medical center.

Please use the survey to let us know of any concerns, complaints, or questions you have about your care, so that we can resolve them. We also appreciate compliments about what we are doing right.

Feedback Tools

We have a number of feedback tools for you to provide information about the care and service you receive. Please take the time to participate in and use these feedback tools. Our goal is to provide compassionate, quality care in a timely manner.