Bay Pines VA Healthcare System volunteers come from all areas of the community and represent a variety of professions, physical abilities, age groups, and ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
All have made the commitment to donate their time to patients, families and visitors and become a part of our community.
Adult volunteers (minimum of 18 years old) who are considered to be Regularly Scheduled are asked to commit to a minimum of 4 hours each week for a minimum of one year.
Teen volunteers, students 14-17 years old, volunteer in the summer and throughout the year. Teen volunteers must apply during the spring and must be 14 by June 1st of the calendar year. Teen volunteers must be willing to commit to a minimum of 50 hours to be eligible for the program.
Volunteers are educated about the importance of ethics and confidentiality, professional behavior and appearance, proper patient interaction, universal precautions, infection control, fire safety and information privacy and cyber security.
Unit and area specific training is provided for each placement. It is possible to cross-train a volunteer in several areas of the hospital. Every effort is made to match the applicant’s skills, abilities, schedule and interests with the needs of the facility.