
Returning service member care

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VA Boston health care provides health care, counseling, and other benefits for the newest Veterans returning from service in the armed forces.
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VA Boston health care provides health care and other benefits to the newest Veterans returning from service, even if you are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a care coordinator about making use of your health care benefits.
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Care we provide at VA Boston health care

We can help you access service and benefit programs tailored to the needs of returning service members, including:

  • Polytrauma care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Mental health care
  • Counseling
  • Family benefits counseling
  • Referral assistance

To enroll in VA health care:

  • Visit your nearest VA medical center or VA community  outpatient clinic.
  • Fill out the 10-10EZ application online or in person.

Note: Please bring a copy of your DD214 (member 4) with you when you first visit us.

It is very important to note that you have five years from your discharge date to receive free healthcare for any condition that may be related to your deployment. After the five-year window, a co-payment may apply, based on your income and if the condition is found to be service-connected.

If you served in Operations Enduring Freedom and/or Iraqi Freedom and/or Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND), please contact us! Someone is available to assist you during regular business hours at 800-865-3384 ext. 46780 (or direct line 857-364-6780).

Vet Centers

Vet Centers are counseling centers that help Veterans readjust after deployment. The Vet Center near Boston provides counseling for individuals, groups, married couples, and families. They also provide guidance and referrals for other VA and community resources.

Learn more about Vet Centers