Pilot Proposals / Trainees
Please return soon for information specific to FY24 awards!
The Rehabilitation Promoting Prevention and Improved Resilience (REPPAIR) REAP promotes multidisciplinary research aimed at understanding the complex relationships between Mobility, the Mind (cognition/mood), and Motivation (long-term engagement) in Veterans. REPPAIR focuses on innovations in the development of personalized rehabilitative care treatments that optimize the functional status of Veterans. It emphasizes rehabilitation as preventative care.
The award will support novel investigation that advances the REPPAIR theme: “The 3 M’s Mobility, Mind, and Motivation” among older adults with or without chronic disease. The award is intended to support collection of preliminary data to prepare for future submission of a successful VA RR&D Career Development Award.
The award provides a maximum of $30,000. The scope of the project should generally allow for completion within a one-year time frame.
Funding decisions will be based on the proposal’s significance, innovation, relevance to the REPPAIR mission, and potential for future VA RR&D CDA funding.
All faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students, and research staff in the VA community who anticipate submission of a VA RR&D Career Development Award are invited to apply.
Application Instructions:
Applicants should submit (1) abstract of up to 350 words, (2) a 3-page proposal (Arial 11 font, 0.5" margins, single spaced) that includes: title, specific aim, research plan, innovation, relevance to REPPAIR theme, IRB status/plan if applicable, and potential for future VA RR&D CDA funding, (3) biosketch on the VA template, (4) mentor letter of support, and (5) 1-year budget and budget justification.
How to Submit the Application:
Please email your application as a single PDF to Emma Fitzelle-Jones at
Key Dates:
Application due date: Information coming soon
Notification on or before: Information coming soon
Earliest funding start date: Information coming soon