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Learn how VetSuccess on Campus can help support you as a Veteran, service member, or eligible dependent in your transition from military to college life. And find out if your college has a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor.

VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC)

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VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) supports Veterans and service members who are transitioning from military to college life, and certain qualified dependents. We have vocational rehabilitation counselors, called VSOC counselors, at 104 college campuses across the country.

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How can VSOC counselors help me?

VSOC counselors can help you with vocational testing, career counseling, or getting faster access to certain VA benefits while you’re attending college. VetSuccess on Campus is part of the larger Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) program.  

VSOC counselors can also help you by:

  • Showing you how to get referrals for campus health services
  • Making referrals to VA health services
  • Helping you get disability accommodations, like help with taking notes or writing assignments, in the classroom

How do I find out if my college has a VSOC counselor?

There are dozens of campuses in the U.S. with dedicated VSOC counselors.
Review the full list of schools with VSOC counselors

Learn more about VetSuccess on Campus

Play these videos to learn more about how VetSuccess on Campus can help you.