Veteran Readiness and Employment through IDES
If you’re wounded, injured, or fall ill while serving and can’t perform your duties, you’ll be referred to the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES). Through this system, we at VA work together with the Department of Defense (DoD) to make disability evaluation seamless, simple, fast, and fair. If you’re found to be medically unfit for duty, IDES will give you a proposed VA disability rating before you leave the service, and you’ll be entitled to Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) services.
Find out how to access VR&E services as soon as possible through IDES.
What services can I get through VR&E?
Depending on your needs and goals, VR&E may include services such as these:
- A complete evaluation to determine your abilities, skills, and interests for employment
- Professional or vocational counseling and rehabilitation planning for employment services
- Employment services such as job training, resume development, and other work-readiness support
- Help finding and keeping a job, including the use of special employer incentives and job accommodations
- On-the-job training (OJT), apprenticeships, and non-paid work experiences
- Post-secondary education and training at a college, vocational, technical, or business school
- Supportive rehabilitation services including case management, counseling, and medical referrals
- Independent living services if you’re unable to work due to the severity of your disabilities
How do I access these services?
We have Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors (VRCs) assigned to military installations hosting an IDES site. When you’re referred to the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) at one of these sites, you’ll have a mandatory meeting with a VRC.
Your VRC will work with you to determine which VR&E services you’re entitled to receive.