
Veterans Affairs Nursing Academic Partnership (VANAP)

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The Veterans Affairs Nursing Academic Partnership was established in 2007 as a five year pilot program to facilitate stronger and mutually beneficial partnerships between the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Schools of Nursing (SON). The VA Nursing Academy incentivizes the development of new models of academic partnerships based on strong and trusting relationships, shared faculty and trainees, innovation in education and patient care, and an emphasis on scholarship and inquiry.
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Our mission is the integration of the VA I-CARE core values as a foundation for development of nursing leadership, scholarship, and engagement of compassionate patient care for our Nation’s hero's. This is accomplished by clinical inquiry that leads to the generation of new nursing knowledge and the employment of evidence-based practice research to guide clinical practice and promoting critical thinking.


To inspire, promote, empower, and facilitate learning for nursing professionals that enhance the science and the art of nursing.


Our philosophy integrates the core values of the RHJ VAHCS; which are integrity, commitment, advocacy, respect, and excellence (I-CARE).


The RN Residency program goal is to recruit new graduate nurses seeking lifelong learning and the pursuit of nursing leadership while providing excellent and compassionate care to our nation’s heroes our Veterans. We are dedicated to facilitation of their successful transition to a fully functional and independent Registered Nurse.

Program Outcome

At the completion of our 12-month residency to graduate and place advanced beginner to competent RNs in a full-time role within our VA. Providing quality care, focused on the implementation of the latest evidence-based practice in providing optimal outcomes for our Veterans and their families.

Educational Opportunities

Post Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Residency (PBRNR)

Our goal  the PBNR program is to recruit new graduate nurses seeking lifelong learning and the pursuit of nursing leadership while providing excellent and compassionate care to our nation’s heroes our Veterans.  For more information about our PBRNR click here.

Registered Nurse Transition to Practice (RN TTP)

The TTP program is a 1-year program designed to assist the post-graduate nurse in the transition from entry-level to advanced beginner nurse. The goal is autonomous practice through a precepted, guided experience in the medical-surgical environment. The TTP resident will transition from novice to advanced beginner, professional RN, over the first six months and participate in focused didactics over the twelve-month program.


  • Completion of an RN degree (ADN or BSN).
  • Must have an unrestricted RN license before program start date.
  • 1-year or less RN experience.
  • Identified and hired by the facility.
  • Hiring for Medical/Surgical units or other areas based on the needs of the facility.


Veterans Affairs Student Trainee Experience Program (VA-STEP)

The VALOR summer internship is a highly competitive paid learning opportunity offered at VAHCSs.


  • Enrolled in an accredited (NLN or CCNE) Bachelor of Science in nursing program with a minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Nursing students must be rising seniors (completed/in the process of completing their junior year).
  • Must work a minimum of 400 hours during the summer months and complete an educational series.


Student Nurse Technician (SNT)

The student nurse technician program is a highly competitive opportunity for BSN nursing students to gain additional experience in healthcare through the delivery of care to complex and acute care patients.


  • Enrolled in a baccalaureate nursing program accredited by the National League for Nursing (NLN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).
  • Successfully completed at least one fundamentals of nursing/medical-surgical course within their nursing program.
  • Must have a current BLS certificate.
  • Must work a minimum of 8 hours per calendar month.



Welcome to EBP – one of the most important concepts in our RN residency programs. By the end of your project, you should have developed a respect for nursing research, a clear understanding of the impact of evidence-based practice on improved patient outcomes, and hopefully developed the habit of validating your care delivery based on the current evidence.  It will expand your understanding of how vital Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) is to nursing. We hope to cultivate a spirit of questioning and inquiry through this journey. Here is a sample of our EBP Process Improvement project timeline for the RN residency programs.


Preceptor Program:

Here at RHJ VAHCS we offer both a quarterly New Preceptor training program (8 hours) and a monthly preceptor lunch & learn (1 hour).  All participants  must register in TMS to obtain CEUs.

The Preceptor training program is an interactive blended learning opportunity for all new preceptors. We incorporate Elsevier Preceptor Training, discussion groups, role playing, and RHJ VAHCS focused requirements.  This class is now being offered virtually to our dislocated CBOCS for additional training opportunities. The quarterly schedule class occurs in  January, April, July, & October.  Seven-hours of CEU’s are offered for the class.

The preceptor lunch and learn is offered monthly through a virtual platform. It includes elements from peer reviewed journals and interactive components. It’s an opportunity to have some focused learning as well as fellowship/networking with other preceptors to gain new knowledge and learn alternative ways to develop and mentor new RN’s.  One-hour of CEU’s is offered for this class.

Mentorship Program:

Our Mentor program incorporates VHA Components and needs of our facility. This leadership development program aligns with the efforts of the VHA Transformational Coaching & Mentoring program.  We use the GROW model as a platform for our program and interactions with Mentees.

If you have an interest in becoming a mentor, please reach out to the VANAP staff. You may contact us at the group email vhachavanap@va.gov.

EES/AIP Program for Nursing Continuing Education Platforms:

A VANAP faculty member serves as an educational planner and  course manager to facilitate accreditations for local nursing education programs. We follow the guidelines and directives established by the VHA program administration.  If you are interested in planning a Nursing Education Program here are some requirements for your planning. Please reach out for all the requirements, we are happy to help. You may contact us at the group email vhachavanap@va.gov.

  1. Lead time, we need a complete package submitted no later than 6-weeks before the event
  2. Reach out to the EES/AIP Coordinator at least 2 months in advance to get the forms you must complete and talk through your program.
  3. You must identify the:
    1. Knowledge GAP
    2. How do you know this is a GAP (what evidence)?
    3. Delivery modality (face to face or virtual or both)
    4. Outcomes: How will this improve skills, competencies?
    5. Who is the audience? (Blended is ok, but be clear)
    6. Clear times and agendas to determine CE hours


Quotes from prior student and residents. 

"The PB-RNR program allowed me to follow veteran patients throughout the facility to fully understand their continuity of care across specialties while pairing me with a dedicated preceptor nurse in each department to learn from and lean on as a resource. This was invaluable as I was able to see and understand the how and why of patient care throughout the patient experience the Ralph H. Johnson VA, which helped me to become a more well-rounded nurse to care for our veterans." ~Rossie

How and where to apply:

please submit your application to: vhachavanap@va.gov