Title Opportunities For Our Veterans Meta Meta description Opportunities For Our Veterans Free things veterans can do Veterans helping veterans Content Page introduction This page is a list of opportunities for our Veterans to reengage with the community and other Veterans. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content National Programs in our Area Table Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Fly tying, rod building, fishing For dates and times please contact: projecthealingwaters.org Veterans on Deck Sailing For dates and times please contact: Veteransondeck.org USA WARRIORS ICE HOCKEY Hockey For dates and times please contact: usawarriorshockey.org/charlestonwarriors Heroes on the Water Kayaking and/or fishing For dates and times please contact: heroesonthewater.org Warrior Surf Surfing, health coaching, yoga For dates and times please contact: www.warriorsurf.org/ Charleston Table Kayaking/Fishing Please contact for dates and times: lowcountry.sc@heroesonthewater.org Sailing Please contact for dates and times: Veteransondeck@gmail.com Fly Fishing 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 5:30pm Charleston Research Building DD113 www.facebook.com/phwffCharleston Tai Chi 2nd,3rd,4th, Wednesdays 11:30am-12:15pm Whole Health Class Introduction Please contact for dates and times: Shane.Hallowell@va.gov Warrior Hockey Please contact for dates and times: mfountain@usawarriorshockey.org Myrtle Beach Clinic Table Reiki Session Contact your doctor at your primary care Tai Chi Wednesdays 9:am-10:00am Yoga Warrior Wed 9-10 Fri 12-1 Contact Vet Center for Details (843) 232-2441 Peaceful Yoga Wednesdays 1500 2nd flr Grp Room Guitar for Vets Veteran referral from HVP at Vet Center (843) 232-2441 Savannah Clinic Table Yoga Contact the Savannah Clinic (912) 920-0214 MOVE! 1st Wednesday of the month. Contact the Savannah Clinic (912) 920-0214 Reiki Sessions Contact your doctor at your primary care All Other Classes Table Awandaw Rein and Shine Horse Therapy For dates and times please call 843-849-0964 Beaufort Clinic Reiki Session Contact your doctor at your primary care Community Resource and Referral Center Whole Health Class Introduction For dates and times contact: Shane.Hallowell@va.gov Goose Creek Clinic Reiki Session Contact your doctor at your primary care Hope Lodge, 269 Calhoun St. Charleston 11:30am-12:00pm Wednesdays Yoga Breathing Local Golf Courses Charleston Therapeutic Golf For dates and times contact 843-826-0837 richobriengolf@gmail.com Summerville, SC (Salt Oasis Spa) Reiki Session 1st Monday of the Month Salt Oasis 843-501-1757 call to confirm Things you can do at home. Monday Tai Chi (PDF) Thursday Tai Chi (PDF)