Title Women Veteran Care Meta Meta description Women Veterans are schedule to see specially trained primary care providers who also provide gender specific primary care. Content Page introduction Women Veterans are schedule to see specially trained primary care providers who also provide gender specific primary care. Generate a table of contents from major headings No table contents Main content Women’s Comprehensive Primary Care Women Veterans are schedule to see specially trained primary care providers who also provide gender specific primary care. Services include: Care for acute and chronic illness Prevention services Coordination of care including referrals to: Specialty clinics Mammography Bone density Ultrasound Menopause treatment Gender-specific primary care (based on your stage of life): Birth control counseling and prescriptions Routine breast exams Routine Pap smears Menopause management and counseling Katie Welch, MD - Gynecologist (JPG) Katie Welch, MD – Gynecologist Gynecology offers specialized evaluation and care, including: Abnormal uterine bleeding Abnormal pap Pelvic pain Contraceptive options Fertility concerns and questions Uterine fibroids Urinary leakage Pelvic organ prolapse Ovarian cysts Surgical issues Hysterectomy Sterilization Irregular bleeding All that is needed is a referral from a physician. Sami Turley, DPT – Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist (JPG) Pelvic Floor Therapy Truman VA provides a variety of comprehensive diagnostic tests to determine the cause of pelvic health problems. Once a diagnosis is made, a variety of treatment options can be tailored for each woman’s pelvic health needs. All that is needed is a referral from a physician. Pelvic Floor Therapy can assist with the following issues: Urinary or fecal incontinence Pelvic organ prolapse Diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation) Painful intercourse Urinary urgency/frequency Constipation Low back pain/hip pain Painful cramping/periods Pelvic pain Pain during pregnancy Maternity Care VA covers full maternity care from the time of the first positive pregnancy test through delivery and follow-up appointments with your OB provider. Benefits include: Full physical exams and lab tests Prenatal education and screenings Obstetrical ultrasounds Genetic tests and specialty consultations Prescription drugs First seven days of newborn’s care Support for breast feeding Support and services in case of miscarriage or stillbirth Social work and mental health services What is NOT covered by VA? VA maternity benefits do not cover: Home deliveries Services by doulas Deliveries by a lay midwife (a midwife who is not a medical nurse) Experimental procedures and procedures outside the standard of care Termination of pregnancy For more information, visit the national Women Veterans Health Care webpage here or contact your PACT team.