
Veteran Justice Outreach

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The Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) program ensures eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration services
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The Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO) program ensures eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services as clinically indicated and that unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and lengthy incarceration among Veterans is avoided.
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Virtual Assistance: The Indianapolis Bar Association has responded to the growing need for legal assistance in the community by expanding its free legal advice programs into a virtual chat service manned daily by attorney volunteers. Through the Virtual Ask-A-Lawyer program, individuals can chat in real time with an attorney who is prepared to assist with basic legal questions. To begin the chat, individuals simply visit indybar.org/chat  A pop-up in the lower right-hand corner will guide the user through the interaction. 

Telephone Assistance:  for individuals without internet access, phone-based assistance is available from 6-8 p.m. on May 11 by call (317) 269-2000. Lawyers participating in Virtual Ask-A-Lawyer work in law firms, agencies and organizations through the city - they donate their time to provide this valuable community service. They provide assistance with questions on topics like divorce, child custody, child support, landlord/tenant issues, bankruptcy, personal injury, employment law and more. All correspondence is confidential.

The Virtual Ask-A-Lawyer program was created in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency as the association shifted traditional in-person legal advice programs to the online format. Since launching in March 2020, attorneys have volunteered more than 1,800 hours to help over 3,300 community members who have requested assistance through the Chat Line

VHI is working with community legal partners including Indiana Legal Services (ILS) and the Indianapolis Bar Association (Indy Bar)

The free monthly walk-in Legal Clinic hosted by ILS has returned face to face. It remains the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and is held at the medical center (Richard L. Roudebush VAMC).  Free Wills Clinic

You stood up for us. Now we'll stand up for you.

Both ILS and Indy Bar have virtual legal services available as well.  

Your local VJO Specialists are NOT attorneys, but rather are Licensed Clinical Social Workers.