
New VA Hospital Construction Updates

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New VA Hospital Construction Updates; Louisville, KY
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January 2023

Jan. 30:

  • Construction activities scheduled for the week of January 30, 2023 include:
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southwest portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Utilities are being installed along the east fence line.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area and the placement of metal decking has also begun.
  • The installation of underground utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues in the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital and for the Laundry Facility.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Jan. 27:

In an effort to provide you with the most useful, up-to-date information on construction activities at the site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center, we would like to share some details about the status of blasting.

As of this afternoon blasting on the construction site for the Louisville VA Medical Center is complete. There are no additional blasts scheduled for the construction of the facility. Now that blasting is complete, the work to install an underground storage tank can continue, much like the work that took place in the southeast corner to install a tank there as well. Work will progress with material excavation, followed by tank installation prior to backfilling the area. The work on the tank in the southeast corner is anticipated to be completed within the next several weeks.  The tanks in the southwest corner are not scheduled to be completed for several months. 

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about this or any other activity taking place on the site. Being good neighbors to everyone in the community is important to us as we proceed with the construction of the new Louisville VA Medical Center.

Jan. 24:

  • Construction activities scheduled for the week of January 23, 2023 include:

Blasting in the southwest corner of the site will resume this week. (see below for details)

  • Utilities are being installed along the east fence line.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area and the placement of metal decking has also begun.
  • The installation of plumbing utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
Blasting is anticipated to resume this week and progress at the rate of one per day, weather and equipment permitting. Five more blasts are scheduled to complete the blasting work on the project. All remaining blasts will be conducted as “relief” blasts, which are designed to move earth in a horizontal direction instead of a vertical direction as on a “lift” shot, which occurred on Oct. 4, 2022. For context, more than 70 relief blasts were conducted prior to Oct. 4.

To safely complete the remaining rock removal at the site, USACE and state regulating officials required the contractor to provide an updated risk remediation plan. The Kentucky Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement and USACE have reviewed and approved the blast remediation plan. This plan includes increasing the space between charges and the use of a soil overburden along with alayer of blast mats. Traffic will also be stopped on I-264 during each of the remaining blasts. Representatives from the Kentucky Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement will be on-site during the process of drilling, loading, and blasting.

Safety remains our number one priority. Ensuring all work on the construction site is performed according to safety guidelines, and local and state laws, is paramount to safeguarding area residents and those working on the site. 

Jan. 19:

LOUISVILLE, KY. – Investigations into the blasting incident that took place on the Louisville VA Medical Center construction site on Oct. 4, 2022, are complete. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Kentucky Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement, and DynoConsult, a third-party consultant retained by the prime contractor Walsh-Turner Joint Venture, each conducted independent investigations to determine the cause of the incident and identify remediation measures for future blasts.

The investigations concluded the incident on Oct. 4, 2022, was the result of an unintended simultaneous detonation of several explosive charges which were designed to detonate on a precisely timed sequence. As a result, rock fragments landed on I-264 and nearby properties.               

To safely complete the remaining rock removal at the site, USACE and state regulating officials required the contractor to provide an updated risk remediation plan. The Kentucky Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement and USACE have reviewed and approved the blast remediation plan. This plan includes increasing the space between charges and the use of a soil overburden along with a layer of blast mats. Traffic will also be stopped on I-264 during each of the remaining blasts. Representatives from the Kentucky Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement will be on-site during the process of drilling, loading, and blasting.

Blasting is anticipated to resume the week of Jan. 23 and progress at the rate of one per day, weather and equipment permitting. Five more blasts are scheduled to complete the blasting work on the project. 

Safety remains our number one priority. Ensuring all work on the construction site is performed according to safety guidelines, and local and state laws, is paramount to safeguarding area residents and those working on the site.

Area residents who have further questions are encouraged to contact USACE Louisville District Public Affairs by emailing LOUVAMCconstruction@usace.army.mil.


USACE Louisville District Public Affairs


Week of Jan. 15:

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area and the placement of metal decking has also begun.
  • The installation of plumbing utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
Work for a sanitary sewer tie-in outside the back gate on Carlimar Lane is planned to begin in February. This work should take a week or less weather and equipment-dependent. More details will be provided as the schedule and work plan are finalized.


Week of Jan. 8: 


  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Utility poles continue to be installed along the eastern boundary. These utility poles will be in place during construction to provide power to temporary facilities but are not part of the final project.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area and the placement of metal decking has also begun.
  • The installation of plumbing utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
Work for a sanitary sewer tie-in outside the back gate on Carlimar Lane is planned to begin by mid-January. This work should take a week or less weather and equipment-dependent. More details will be provided as the schedule and work plan are finalized.

December 2022


Dec. 22:

Dear community partner,

As family and friends travel and take time this holiday season to spend with loved ones, we will be taking a break from sending out the weekly construction update until after the New Year. You can expect the next update to be published Jan. 9. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns you may have about the construction process in the meantime.  Keep in mind responses may be delayed if questions are received outside of our regular office hours, which are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday or federal holidays.

Thank you,

USACE Louisville District Public Affairs

Week of Dec. 18:

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Additional utility poles continue to be installed along the eastern boundary. These utility poles will be in place during construction to provide power to temporary facilities but are not part of the final project.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area and the placement of metal decking has also begun.
  • The installation of utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank. This work is planned to be completed by the end of the December.
  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
Work for a sanitary sewer tie-in outside the back gate on Carlimar Lane is planned to begin mid-January. This work should take a week or less weather and equipment-dependent. More details will be provided as the schedule and work plan are finalized.


Week of Dec. 11:

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate

safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.

  • Additional utility poles continue to be installed along the eastern boundary. These utility poles will

be in place during construction to provide power to temporary facilities but are not part of the final

  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area with metal decking to begin soon.
  • The installation of site utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an

additional underground rainwater storage tank. This work is planned to be completed before the
new year.

  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
With construction on a project of this magnitude, there is a certain amount of noise associated
with that work. In accordance with local noise ordinances, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9
p.m. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also possibly
on Saturdays.

Week of Dec. 4:

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Additional utility poles continue to be installed along the eastern boundary. These utility poles will be in place during construction to provide power to temporary facilities but are not part of the final project.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area with metal decking to begin soon.
  • The installation of site utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank. This work is planned to be completed before the new year.
  • Pier drilling has begun for the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
With construction on a project of this magnitude, there is a certain amount of noise associated with that work. In accordance with local noise ordinances, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also possibly on Saturdays.

November 2023

Week of Nov. 27


  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area with metal decking to begin soon.
  • The installation of site utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling is wrapping up for the Central Utility Plant and is shifting to the East Bar of the main hospital.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
With construction on a project of this magnitude, there is a certain amount of noise associated with that work. In accordance with local noise ordinances, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also possibly on Saturdays

Week of Nov. 20

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate

safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.

  • Pre-cast concrete panels being erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area with metal decking to begin soon.
  • A third construction crane has been brought on site for use in constructing the North Parking Garage.
  • The installation of site utilities continues with a current focus on the eastern boundary of the


  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an

additional underground rainwater storage tank.

  • Pier drilling continues for the Central Utility Plant.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Additional notes:
Temporary utility poles photocell lights installed will be installed further down the eastern boundary. The
lights will be directed in toward the site and will come on during low light conditions. This work is
anticipated to take place in the next two weeks.

Nov. 17

In an effort to provide you with the most useful, up-to-date information on construction activities at the site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center, we would like to share some details about some planned upcoming work.

In the next few weeks, additional utility poles will be installed along the eastern boundary. The utility poles will be in place during construction to provide power to temporary facilities but are not part of the final project. In addition, lights will be installed on the poles. The lights will be directed toward the site and will be on photocells that come on during low light conditions. 

Being good neighbors to everyone in the community is important to us as we proceed with construction of the new Louisville VA Medical Center. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have as we move forward.


USACE Louisville District Public Affairs

Week of Nov. 13

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area.
  • A second construction crane to be used in the construction of the hospital is being assembled.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site, especially in the northeast corner, and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • In accordance with local noise ordinances, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also possibly on Saturdays.

Week of Nov. 6

  • Blasting is still on hold until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area.
  • A second construction crane to be used in the construction of the hospital is being assembled.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. 
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site, especially in the northeast corner, and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing. 


Additional notes:

            We have received several inquiries recently pertaining to noise on the construction site. With construction on a project of this magnitude, there is a certain amount of noise associated with that work.

October 2022

Oct. 31


  • Vertical steel erection has begun.
  • A second construction crane to be used in the construction of the hospital is being assembled.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site, especially the northeast corner, and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Additional notes:
We have received several inquiries recently pertaining to noise on the construction site. With construction on a project of this magnitude, there is a certain amount of noise associated with that work.

Oct. 26

The slip ramp exit from I-264E to KY22 will be closed the night of Thursday, October 26, 2022. During this closure, concrete barriers will be relocated along the outside edge of the shoulder. Workers will be on the VA hospital project site to support this effort, but we do not anticipate loud noises being associated with this work. It will occur  9 p.m. - 6 a.m. All exits and lanes will be open for regular traffic flow in the morning.

Oct. 23

  •  There will be no further blasting until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • A second construction crane to be used in the construction of the hospital is being assembled.
  • Vertical steel erection is planned to begin this month.
  • Storm tank installation on the west side of the site has completed. Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an additional underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling continues for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site, especially the northeast corner, and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the continues to be used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Oct. 16

  • There will be no further blasting until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Vertical steel erection is planned to begin this month.
  • Storm tank installation on the west side of the site has begun. Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of another underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling has begun for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the continues to be used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Oct. 13

  • With consideration to the blasting incident last week, there will be no further blasting until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.
  • Vertical steel erection is planned to begin this month.
  • Storm tank installation on the west side of the site has begun. Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of another underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Pier drilling has begun for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the continues to be used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Oct. 6

NEWS RELEASE: Blasting at Louisville VA Medical Center construction site remains halted

LOUISVILLE, KY. – In response to Tuesday’s blasting incident that took place on the site of the Louisville VA Medical Center, three independent investigations have begun to ascertain the cause or causes that led to the fragments of rock and sediment being dispersed along I-264, “Watterson Expressway,” and onto adjacent properties causing damage. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the prime contractor, Walsh-Turner Joint Venture, and the Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals are conducting these investigations.

There will be no further blasting until the contractor has demonstrated to the government that appropriate safety measures are in place. Safety remains our number one priority.

The contractor responsible for blasting on the site has set up email and phone contact methods for those who feel they may have incurred damage due to the incident on Tuesday. They can be contacted at (502) 515-0072 or through email at VALouisville@walshgroup.com. All other questions and comments about construction at the site can be sent to the government at LOUVAMCconstruction@usace.army.mil.


Oct. 4

NEWS RELEASE: Blasting suspended at Louisville VA Medical Center construction site in interest of public safety

LOUISVILLE, KY. –  In the interest of public safety, blasting on the site of the Louisville VA Medical Center has been suspended indefinitely following an unforeseen incident at the construction site today. During the blasting as part of earthwork on the site, fragments of sediment and rock landed on I-264, “Watterson Expressway,” and onto adjacent properties causing damage. There were no injuries reported and local law enforcement responded.

Work was halted immediately and further investigation into the cause of the incident is underway. Construction activities will resume tomorrow, but all blasting activities will remain suspended. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in coordination with the prime contractor, Walsh-Turner Joint Venture II, and the Kentucky Department of Mines and Minerals will continue to investigate the matter and there will be no further blasting until the government is confident that appropriate safety measures are in place. Public safety remains our number one priority.

Anyone who feels they may have incurred damage due to the incident today should contact USACE Public Affairs by emailing LOUVAMCconstruction@usace.army.mil.


Week of Oct. 2

  • Storm tank installation in the southwest corner of the site is scheduled to begin this week. Work continues on preparing the area on the southeast portion of the site for the installation of another underground rainwater storage tank.
  • Blasting is nearing completion with approximately 10 planned at this point. Blasting will occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting.
  • Vertical steel erection is targeted to begin in the next two weeks.
  • Pier drilling will soon begin for the Central Utility Plant. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Concrete pouring has begun for the North Parking Garage.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
September 2022

Week of Sep. 25:

  • Concrete pouring has begun for the North Parking Garage.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to continue potentially through September occurring between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting.
  • Vertical steel erection is targeted to begin by the end of September.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Parts of large cranes to be used in the construction of the hospital have been brought on site and have been assembled.
  • Work continues on underground rainwater storage tanks.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Pier drilling continues for the North Parking Garage. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Week of Sep. 18:

  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to continue potentially through September occurring between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting.
  • Vertical steel erection is targeted to begin by the end of September.
  • Trenchwork in preparation for the installation of underground utilities is taking place throughout the site and in the basement area of the hospital.
  • Parts of large cranes to be used in the construction of the hospital have been brought on site and have been assembled.
  • Work continues on underground rainwater storage tanks.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Pier drilling continues for the North Parking Garage. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.

Week of Sep. 11:

  • Parts of large cranes to be used in the construction of the hospital have been brought on site and have been assembled.
  • Work continues on underground rainwater storage tanks
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site. The public will begin to see structural steel being installed over the next few weeks.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Pier drilling continues for the North Parking Garage. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September.

Additional notes:
Contractors will soon begin prepping an area on the southeast portion of the property for the installation of an underground rainwater storage tank. It is important to note that as this work approaches the property boundaries, homeowners closest to this work should expect to feel the blasts to a greater extent than they did when the blasts were closer to I-264 or the center of the site.

Week of Sep. 4:

Construction activities scheduled for the week of September 5, 2022 include:

  • The public will begin to see structural steel being installed over the next few weeks. Parts of large cranes to be used in the construction of the hospital are being brought on site to be assembled.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September.

Additional notes:
Contractors will soon begin prepping an area on the southeast portion of the property for the installation of an underground rainwater storage tank. It is important to note that as this work approaches the property boundaries, homeowners closest to this work should expect to feel the blasts to a greater extent than they did when the blasts were closer to I-264 or the center of the site.

August 2022

Week of Aug. 28:

  • Parts of large cranes to be used in the construction of the hospital are being brought on site to be assembled.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September.

Additional notes:
Contractors will soon begin prepping an area on the southeast portion of the property for the
installation of an underground rainwater storage tank. It is important to note that as this work
approaches the property boundaries, homeowners closest to this work should expect to feel the blasts
to a greater extent than they did when the blasts were closer to I-264 or the center of the site.
Even though homeowners may feel the blasts more, it doesn’t mean that the conditions are
unsafe or are causing damage. Each blast is designed with the location on the site in mind, and
adjacent structures are taken into account with these designs.


Week of Aug. 21:

  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:

Blasting is currently scheduled to extend to mid-September, dependent on weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances. As a reminder, seismic waves are a possibility with blasting and area residents may feel vibrations, but monitoring and safety measures are in place to ensure that the work is being executed safely. Readings from the site seismic meters have been much lower than the state-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.


Aug. 18: 

In an effort to provide you with the most useful, up-to-date information on construction activities at the site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center, we would like to share some details about some planned upcoming work.

Contractors will soon begin prepping an area on the southeast portion of the property for the installation of an underground rainwater storage tank. The tank (and associated piping) will be used for storage of and controlled release of rainwater.  The size of the storage tank was determined in coordination with local and state authorities such that the overall management of stormwater onsite meets, and greatly exceeds, the federal requirement for post-development runoff to be less than pre-development runoff from the site.

It is important to note that as this work approaches the property boundaries, homeowners closest to this work should expect to feel the blasts to a greater extent than they did when the blasts were closer to I-264 or the center of the site.  Even though homeowners may feel the blasts more, it doesn’t mean that the conditions are unsafe or are causing damage. 

Each blast is designed with the location on the site in mind, and adjacent structures are taken into account with these designs.  Furthermore, seismic monitors are in place for every blast. The onsite seismic monitors are read daily after each blast and, to date, have been lower than the government-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.  Please be advised contractors may approach homeowners close to the property line to ask permission to install a monitor in their yard. 

The contractor responsible for blasting has indicated that they expect the blasting in the area of these tanks will commence in the next several weeks – dependent on any inclement weather delays.

If area residents, within the 500’ radius from the blasting site, that previously received a pre-blast survey from Kentuckiana Seismic, demonstrate they have incurred damage to their homes as a result of seismic activity, the contractor performing the work is required by contract to ensure repairs are made with no out-of-pocket expense to the resident. We encourage them to reach out to the point of contact HTA Enterprises, the contractor performing the blasting, at 502-933-5900, to file a claim for those damages. 

Being good neighbors to everyone in the community is important to us as we proceed with construction on the new Louisville VA Medical Center. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have as we move forward.


Week of Aug. 14:

  • Steel beams continue to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:
Blasting is currently scheduled to extend to mid-September, dependent on weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances. As a reminder, seismic waves are a possibility with blasting and area residents may feel vibrations, but monitoring and safety measures are in place to ensure that the work is being executed safely. Readings from the site seismic meters have been much lower than the state-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.

Week of Aug. 7:


  • Steel beams continue to be delivered to the site.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:
Blasting is currently scheduled to extend to mid-September, dependent on weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances. As a reminder, seismic waves are a possibility with blasting and area residents may feel vibrations, but monitoring and safety measures are in place to ensure that the work is being executed safely. Readings from the site seismic meters have been much lower than the state-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.

July 2022

Week of Jul. 3:

  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Concrete used in the construction of the support piers for structures is being placed on site.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through mid-summer. Blasting continues moving towards the south end of the site and will move from the west to the east side in the coming weeks.

Additional notes:

We have received several inquiries recently pertaining to the hours of work on the site. In general, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. However, residents may see some activities occurring before 7 a.m. We will work with the contractor to ensure that these activities are not in violation of the local noise ordinance. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also on Saturdays.

Some of the information on the construction updates may appear to be repetitive, but that is because some work takes weeks or longer to complete. Work is reported every week that it continues to provide the most accurate information available on upcoming construction activities.


Week of Jul. 10:


  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-summer. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:

We have received several inquiries recently pertaining blasting activity on the site. Area residents may feel the seismic vibrations to varying degrees as the location of the blast for the day changes depending where on the construction site it takes place. Currently, blasting is being done in the southeast portion of the property.

Seismic monitors are placed between the blast location and the nearest structure for each event and the onsite seismic monitors are read daily after each blast. To date, readings have been lower than the government-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.

If area residents have incurred any damage due to blasting, they are encouraged to reach out to HTA Enterprises, the contractor performing the blasting, at 502-933-5900 to file a claim for those damages.


Week of Jul. 17:

  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-summer. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:

We have received several inquiries recently pertaining blasting activity on the site. Area residents may feel the seismic vibrations to varying degrees as the location of the blast for the day changes depending where on the construction site it takes place. Currently, blasting is being done in the southeast portion of the property.
Seismic monitors are placed between the blast location and the nearest structure for each event and the onsite seismic monitors are read daily after each blast. To date, readings have been lower than the government-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.

If area residents have incurred any damage due to blasting, they are encouraged to reach out to HTA Enterprises, the contractor performing the blasting, at 502-933-5900 to file a claim for those damages.


Jul. 24

  • The first section of the basement wall for the main hospital has been placed and more sections will continue to be placed in the following weeks weeks.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-summer. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:

Due to safety concerns, please remind area residents that if they have questions or comments to share, it is requested that they send them through the contact email address rather than coming onto the construction site. There is a lot of equipment movement on the site and the safety of everyone is always a concern.

Also, contractors are still finding golf balls and other debris that are being hit onto the property or tossed across the property line. We understand the large, open area may seem like a perfect area for golfers to practice their game, but we would like to request that if you or someone you know is participating in these activities, please refrain from doing so. The balls and other items can pose a safety concern given the amount of equipment and personnel on site. There is the potential that a piece of equipment or person could be struck or the discarded items could be caught in or kicked up by the equipment and cause injury. If incidents continue, the onsite security cameras will be used to identify the source property and the authorities will be notified to take approach action.


Jul. 26

Dear community partner,

We would like to share some useful information as there has been a recent uptick in questions about blasting on the site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center.

Q: How long will the blasting continue?

Blasting is currently scheduled to extend to mid-September, dependent on weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances.

Q: Are area residents experiencing shaking of their homes during blasts?

Seismic waves are a possibility with blasting and area residents may feel vibrations but monitoring and safety measures are in place to ensure that the work is being executed safely. Readings from the site seismic meters have been much lower than the state-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.

Q: How do area residents report damage?

If area residents within the 500’ radius from the blasting site, that previously received a pre-blast survey from Kentuckiana Seismic, demonstrate they have incurred damage to their homes as a result of seismic activity, the contractor performing the work is required by contract to ensure repairs are made with no out-of-pocket expense to the resident. We encourage them to reach out to HTA Enterprises at 502-933-5900 to discuss filing a claim for damages. 

Our goal is to be the best neighbors we can be to local community members as we proceed with construction on the new Louisville VA Medical Center. We appreciate our neighbors letting us know about any issues they are having and encourage them to reach out to us in the future.

Thank you,

USACE Louisville District Public Affairs


Jul. 31

Construction activities scheduled for the week of August 1, 2022 include:

  • Steel beams are expected to start being delivered to the site this week.
  • More sections of the basement wall for the main hospital continue to be placed.
  • A mechanical rock splitter on the south side of the site is being used to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily, weather permitting, and continue potentially through mid-September. Blasting continues and is moving west to the east across the south end of the site.

Additional notes:
Blasting is currently scheduled to extend to mid-September, dependent on weather conditions and any other unforeseen circumstances. As a reminder, seismic waves are a possibility with blasting and area residents may feel vibrations, but monitoring and safety measures are in place to ensure that the work is being executed safely. Readings from the site seismic meters have been much lower than the state-regulated allowance for seismic attenuation.


June 2022

Week of Jun. 6: 

  • Preparation work for concrete placements for structural members is planned to start this week.
  • Work/office space trailers are currently being established for the contractors and their subcontractors to work out of on the site.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Concrete used in the construction of the support piers for structures is being placed on site.
  • Additional notes:
    We have received several inquiries recently pertaining to the hours of work on the site. In accordance with local noise ordinances, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Area residents will be work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also on Saturdays to make up for time lost due to weather delays.

Week of Jun. 13:

  • No change from previous week.

Week of Jun. 20:

  • A mechanical rock splitter is being brought on site to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer to allow the contractor to make up time for weather and scheduling delays.
  • Concrete used in the construction of the support piers for structures is being placed on site.
  • Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through mid-summer to allow the contractor to make up for weather, scheduling delays.
  • Additional notes: We have received several inquiries recently pertaining to the hours of work on the site. In accordance with local noise ordinances, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also on Saturdays to make up for time lost due to weather delays.
  • Some of the information on the construction updates may appear to be repetitive, but that is because some work takes weeks or longer to complete. Work is reported every week that it continues to provide the most accurate information available on upcoming construction activities.


Week of Jun. 27:

  • The contactor will be trimming tree branches in the southeast corner of the site in the near future. Their equipment will be on the government side of the fence line and will only be trimming branches which are over the site itself.
  • A mechanical rock splitter has been brought on site to break down removed bedrock into smaller-sized rocks to be used for aggregate fill for the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing and expected to potentially continue through mid-summer.
  • Concrete used in the construction of the support piers for structures is being placed on site.
  • Pier drilling continues. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through mid-summer. Blasting continues moving towards the south end of the site and will move from the west to the east side in the coming weeks.

Additional notes:
We have received several inquiries recently pertaining to the hours of work on the site. In general, work will take place between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. However, residents may see some activities occurring before 7 a.m. We will work with the contractor to ensure that these activities are not in violiation of the local noise ordinance. Area residents will see work taking place on the construction site on weekdays, and also on Saturdays.

May 2022

Week of May 1:

  • Security personnel are now on the site during non-construction hours. Security cameras will be installed on the construction site at some point in the future. The cameras will be placed on the site so that they are facing the construction activity and will not face any private residences near the site.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Concrete is expected to start being delivered this week to be used in the construction of the support piers for structures.

Week of May 8:

  • No changes from the previous week.

Week of May 15:

  • No changes from the previous week. 

Week of May 22:

  • Additional work/office space trailers are currently being delivered for the contractors and their subcontractors to work out of on the site.
  • A new haul route is being extended to the south of the property, and crushed stone is being placed on the north parking garage area near the site entrance.
  • Security personnel are now on the site during non-construction hours. Security cameras will be installed on the construction site at some point in the future. The cameras will be placed on the site so that they are facing the construction activity and will not face any private residences near the site.
  •  Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier-drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
    • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Concrete used in the construction of the support piers for structures is being placed on site.


Week of May 29:

  • Additional work/office space trailers are currently being delivered for the contractors and their subcontractors to work out of on the site.
  • Security cameras have been installed on the construction site. The cameras have been placed on the site so that they are facing the construction activity and not any private residences near the site.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Concrete used in the construction of the support piers for structures is being placed on site.

Additional notes:
Some of the information on the construction updates may appear to be repetitive, but that is because some work takes weeks or longer to complete. Work is reported every week that it continues to provide the most accurate information available on upcoming construction activities.

April 2022

Week of Apr. 3:

  • Mechanical rock-breaking is tentatively planned to start this week. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal will be used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling is also tentatively scheduled to also begin this week. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents to install seismic monitors in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals. Preliminary data from seismic monitors on the site indicate readings well below state requirements for all blasts so far.

Week of Apr. 10:

Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.

• Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.

• Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite, are all ongoing.

• There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.

• Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through spring 2022.

• Contractors may contact some area residents to install seismic monitors in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals. Preliminary data from seismic monitors on the site indicate readings are well below state requirements for all blasts, thus far.

Week of Apr. 17:

  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite, are all ongoing.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through spring 2022.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents to install seismic monitors in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals. Preliminary data from seismic monitors on the site indicate readings are well below state requirements for all blasts, thus far.

Week of Apr. 24:

  • Security personnel are now on the site during non-construction hours. Security cameras will be installed on the construction site at some point in the future. The cameras will be placed on the site so that they are facing the construction activity and will not face any private residences near the site.
  • Mechanical rock-breaking is ongoing. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal is being used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling has also begun. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Earthwork, including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite are all ongoing.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Concrete is expected to start being delivered next week to be used in the construction of the support piers for structures.


March 2022

Week of Mar. 6:


  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Contractors are contacting some area residents to discuss installing a seismic monitor in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors are being installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals.

Additional notes:
Some construction updates may appear to be repetitive, however, they are the most recent information available on upcoming construction activities.


Week of Mar. 13:

  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through April 2022.
  • Mechanical rock breaking is tentatively planned to start this week. This activity uses construction equipment which has a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal will be utilized in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents to install seismic monitors in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals. Preliminary data from seismic monitors on the site indicate readings well below state requirements for all blasts so far.

Additional notes:
Some construction updates may appear to be repetitive, however, they are the most recent information available on upcoming construction activities.


Week of Mar. 20:

  • Mechanical rock-breaking is tentatively planned to start this week. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal will be used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling is also tentatively scheduled to also begin this week. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents to install seismic monitors in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals. Preliminary data from seismic monitors on the site indicate readings well below state requirements for all blasts so far.

Week of Mar. 27:

  • Mechanical rock-breaking is tentatively planned to start this week. This activity involves using a hydraulic hammer that repeatedly hits areas of rock to break them into smaller pieces – allowing them to be removed. This form of rock removal will be used in areas where limited rock removal is required. Noise associated with mechanical rock-breaking sounds similar to that of a jackhammer being used.
  • Pier drilling is also tentatively scheduled to also begin this week. This involves using a mounted drill rig to remove existing earth and core into the bedrock. Reinforcing steel is then placed in the drilled-out area so that concrete can be poured into it to form a solid pier that is anchored to and bears upon the bedrock. This foundation type allows for long-term, stable performance, for the very high structural loading the hospital will have.
  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Blasting is ongoing and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through Spring 2022.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents to install seismic monitors in yards next to the construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner near homes or structures and are buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep. The monitors pose no harm to homeowners or animals. Preliminary data from seismic monitors on the site indicate readings well below state requirements for all blasts so far.
February 2022

Week of Feb. 6:

  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork as well as continued installation of stormwater/drainage features and select topsoil removal. 
  • There will be excavation activities and stone placement in preparation for the installation of more construction trailers.
  • Blasting work is tentatively set to begin this week. A date for blasting has not yet been set, but once it is, a special update will be sent out. Once blasting begins, it’s expected to occur between 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through April 2022.
  • Cameras are being installed on the construction site for security purposes. The cameras will be placed so that they are facing the construction site to monitor site activities.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents who have had a pre-blast survey done to install a seismic monitor in yards next to the construction site. Currently, plans are to install them in eight residents’ yards. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner and pose no harm to homeowners or animals. The monitors installed will be near a house or structure and will be buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep and left until blasting operations end in April.

Additional notes:

Also, area residents may see work taking place on the construction site on Saturdays to make up for time lost due to inclement weather.

Week of Feb. 13:

  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork as well as continued installation of

stormwater/drainage features and select topsoil removal.

  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • A new date for blasting has not yet been set, but a special update will be sent out once it is. Once blasting begins, it’s expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through April 2022.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents who have had a pre-blast survey done to install a seismic monitor in yards next to the construction site. Current plans are to install them in eight residents’ yards. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner and pose no harm to homeowners or animals. The monitors installed will be near a house or structure and will be buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep and left until blasting operations end in April.
  • Cameras are being installed on the construction site for security purposes. The cameras will be placed facing the construction site to monitor site activities.
  • Lastly, there will also be work taking place to install construction roads on the site.

Additional notes:
Also, area residents may see work taking place on the construction site on Saturdays to make up
for time lost due to inclement weather.

Feb. 16:

A new blasting start date is tentatively set for Friday, February 18th. When blasting begins, it will take place between 2-2:30 p.m. It is planned to continue through April 2022. As a reminder, area residents will receive several warnings before a blast takes place. There will be a five-minute warning signal consisting of a series of long audible signals, a one-minute warning signal consisting of a series of short audible signals, and an all-clear signal, which will be a prolonged audible signal following the inspection of a blast area.

Feb. 20:

  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of more construction trailers.
  • Blasting has begun and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially through April 2022.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents to install a seismic monitor in yards next to the construction site. Current plans are to install them in eight residents’ yards. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner and pose no harm to homeowners or animals. The monitors installed will be near a house or structure and will be buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep and left until blasting operations end in April or until blasting has been completed in the vicinity of the house or structure.
  • Cameras are being installed on the construction site for security purposes. The cameras will be placed facing the construction site to monitor site activities. Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • Some construction updates may appear to be repetitive, however, they are the most recent information available on upcoming construction activities.


Feb. 27:

  • Blasting has begun and is expected to occur between 2-2:30 p.m. daily and continue potentially
    through April 2022.
  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork including the construction of roads/haul
    routes onsite, continued installation of stormwater/drainage features, select topsoil removal, and
    stockpiling of soil onsite.
  • There will be work taking place to install temporary utilities on the site as well as installation of
    more construction trailers.
  • Contractors are contacting some area residents to install a seismic monitor in yards next to the
    construction site. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily
    blast. The monitors are bring installed in a neat manner and pose no harm to homeowners or
    animals. The monitors are being installed near homes or structures and are buried in the yard
    approximately 10”-12” deep. They are being left in place until blasting operations end in April or
    until blasting has been completed in the vicinity of the house or structure.
  • Some additional notes: construction updates may appear to be repetitive, however, they are the most recent
    information available on upcoming construction activities.
January 2022

Week of Jan. 2:

  • Earth work will continue this week (weather dependent), to include some topsoil removal and minor grading is scheduled.

Week of Jan. 9: 

  • Recent rainy weather may hamper some of the construction operations this week, but plans include moving forward with earthwork on detention basins as well as some associated drainage pipe installation.

Week of Jan. 16:

  • Recent rainy weather may hamper some of the construction operations this week, but plans include moving forward with earthwork on detention basins as well as some associated drainage pipe installation. There are also plans to do exploratory drilling to get exact depths to the surface of bedrock on the site. 

Week of Jan. 24:

  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork on detention basins as well as continued installation of stormwater/drainage features and select topsoil removal. Rock soundings and advanced drilling will be continue to get exact depths to the surface of bedrock on the site.
  • Area residents may see work taking place on the construction site on Saturdays to make up for time lost due to inclement weather.

January 28:  Special Blasting Announcement

Blasting to begin on new VA Medical Center construction site Feb. 4

Blasting work will tentatively begin on the construction site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center Friday, Feb. 4. It’s expected to occur daily between 2:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. and continue through April 2022.

Area residents will receive a five-minute warning signal - a series of long audible signals five minutes prior to the blast, a one-minute to blast signal – a series of short audible signals one minute to the blast, and an All-Clear signal - a prolonged audible signal following the inspection of a blast area.

Public safety is our number one priority and stringent safety protocols are in place. Out of an abundance of caution, area residents directly adjacent to the site are encouraged to stay in their homes or cars until the blasting is complete each day if possible. As a service to our neighbors in the area, contractors may also make rounds through the local neighborhood to remind residents of safety precautions.

Prior to and throughout the end of the blasting period in April, contractors, wearing yellow gear, may contact some area residents who have had a pre-blast survey done to install a seismic monitor in yards next to the construction site.  Currently plans are to install them in eight yards. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast.

Rest assured, the monitors will be installed in a neat manner and pose no harm to homeowner’s or animals.  The monitors installed will be near a house or structure and will be buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep and left until blasting operations end in April.

We want to be good neighbors, so we encourage homeowners to contact the USACE Public Affairs Office with any questions or comments by emailing LOUVAMCconstruction@usace.army.mil.

Week of Jan. 31:

  • Plans this week include moving forward with earthwork on detention basins as well as continued installation of stormwater/drainage features and select topsoil removal. Rock soundings and advanced drilling will  continue to get exact depths to the surface of bedrock on the site.
  • Blasting work will tentatively begin on the construction site of the new Louisville VA Medical Center Friday, Feb. 4. It’s expected to occur daily between 2:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. and continue through April 2022.
  • Cameras are being installed on the construction site for security purposes. The cameras will be placed so that they are facing the construction site.
  • Contractors may contact some area residents who have had a pre-blast survey done to install a seismic monitor in yards next to the construction site. Currently, plans are to install them in eight residents’ yards. The purpose of these monitors is to record ground seismic data from each daily blast. The monitors will be installed in a neat manner and pose no harm to homeowners or animals. The monitors installed will be near a house or structure and will be buried in the yard approximately 10”-12” deep and left until blasting operations end in April.

February 3: Special Blasting Announcement 

Blasting has been cancelled for tomorrow due to the inclement weather and is now planned for next week. A new date has not been set as of today, but the USACE team will share that information as soon as it is available.

December 2021

Week of Dec. 13:

  • Several mobile office containers are expected to be delivered to the site. They will be powered by generators and will not be hooked up to any utilities.
  • Installation of the construction fencing will continue and there will also be localized topsoil removal and minor features of earthwork occurring.
  • For the two weeks around the holidays, only minor work and potentially some material deliveries are anticipated. Week of

Week of Dec. 20:

  • The setting up of two temporary construction offices on the site. They will be powered by generators and will not be hooked up to any utilities.
  • Construction fencing will should be completed as well as any encroachment work.
  • A few pieces of construction equipment may also be delivered this week.

Week of Dec. 27:

  • Earth work (weather dependent), to include some topsoil removal and minor grading is scheduled.
  • A few pieces of additional construction equipment may also be delivered this week.
February 2023

Week of Feb. 6:

  • Deck pouring will begin soon for the eastern portion of the main hospital.
  • Work continues on preparing the area on the southwest portion of the site for the installation of

an additional underground rainwater storage tank.

  • Utilities are being installed along the east fence line.
  • Pre-cast concrete panels continue to be erected on the North Parking Garage.
  • Vertical steel erection continues in the main hospital area and the placement of metal decking

has also begun.

  • The installation of underground utilities continues across the site.
  • Work continues in the southeast portion of the site for the installation of an underground

rainwater storage tank.

  • Pier drilling continues for the East Bar of the main hospital and for the Laundry Facility.
  • Concrete pouring continues for the North Parking Garage.
  • Structural steel continues to be delivered to the site.
  • Concrete placements for structural members is on-going.

Additional notes:
As construction moves into activities that should be less disruptive to our neighbors, we are
transitioning the weekly update to bi-weekly. We still invite you to contact us with any questions you may
have as the work continues.