
Clinical Research Foundation (NPC Affiliate of Robley Rex VAMC)

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Clinical Research Foundation (CRF)
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Clinical Research Foundation provides the administrative infrastructure to dedicated Louisville VA Medical Center investigators (physicians) and researchers.

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Fields of research include cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hepatology and neuroscience. CRF supports its research mission through industry funding, federal grants, nonprofit entities and private support.

Nonprofit corporations (NPCs) were established in 1988 under Public Law 100-322 to provide a more efficient mechanism for VA researchers to participate in research and education programs funded by private and non-VA public sources. There are more than 80 NPCs nationally, each affiliated with a VA medical center, who collectively have a resource and voice through the National Association of Veteran Research and Education Foundation (NAVREF).

For more information on CRF, visit: crflouva.org