Step 5: The Clinical Health Trainee must complete and submit the following documents via fax, 304-579-2647 in a PDF format, 90 days prior to the start of the rotation.
If all required documents/forms are not completed and received, the Clinical Health Trainee will not be onboarded. This may result in a delay or cancellation of the requested rotation.
1) VA Onboarding forms found below
2) Training Links:
- Mandatory Trainee Training (MTT) TMS Certificate (MTT must be completed yearly, refresher course after initial year)
- BLS/ACLS (copy of card) if indicated by VA Program Director
TMS must be completed every 364 days. If multiple rotations are completed or a rotation lasts longer than 364 days you must complete the refresher training.
3) Fingerprints must be taken 60 days prior to rotation.
All forms can be located at the bottom.
You must schedule an appointment to get your fingerprints with the Personal Identity Verification (PIV) office located in building 217 at the Martinsburg VAMC Campus. They can be reached at 304-263-0811, ext. 2066 or ext. 2067. Map of the PIV office location can be found below.
You also must have two forms of ID. Examples click here.
Fingerprints can be taken at any Department of Veterans Affairs medical center as long as you call to schedule an appointment. It is very important to tell them the fingerprint results need to be sent to the Martinsburg VAMC and provide them with these two numbers: 1. SOI VAB9 2. SON 1316. If you fail to provide them with these two designating numbers, the results will not be sent to our medical center. This may result in a delay or cancelation of the requested rotation. Please also inform the Affiliation Coordinator of the location, date and time fingerprints were taken.
4) Email will be sent to the University POC and Clinical Health Trainee informing clearance has been given for start of rotation, 15 to 30 days prior to the scheduled Health Trainee Orientation. The welcome email example can be found at the bottom
5) Attend Clinical Health Trainee Orientation at 8 a.m. on Monday prior to the start of the clinical rotation. In Clinical Health Trainee Orientation, we will educate you on the important process and procedures of the VA. You will also log onto the computer to verify all codes are working.
Both directions to the Education Lab and SIMLearn Lab are below
6) For Clinical Health Trainees completing multiple clinical rotations, you are required to complete a satisfaction survey after each rotation. Survey is located here.
7) Upon completion of your final clinical rotation please complete the satisfaction survey and attach the completion certificate to the clearance form. Once all areas have signed off on the clearance form, please submit the form and the certificate of completion to the Education Office in 207B. The clearance form can be found below.