All Montana VA staff, contractors, patients, volunteers and visitors must be pre-screened for COVID-19 before entering a VA facility. This is a CDC and Veterans Health Administration requirement meant to help protect the health and well-being of Veterans as well as staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors.
Visitor Policy for the Community Living Center (CLC) – Stage I
- Only compassionate care visitations are permitted during Stage I.
- Only one compassionate care visitor can be present at a time.
- Every visitor must be screened per the CLC protocol.
- Visitors must clean hands upon entry.
- Visitors must maintain a six-foot distance from everyone besides the resident they are visiting.
- Visitors must wear a medical grade face mask that covers the nose, mouth, and chin.
- Contact VA Police (Fort Harrison and Billings) or local authorities as needed.
Mask Wear is Required:
By direction of the CDC and VHA, anyone entering a VHA facility is required to wear a mask indoors. This includes staff, volunteers, trainees, and contractors regardless of vaccination status. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 must also wear a mask after exiting a VA medical facility unless six feet of distance can be maintained between the unvaccinated individual and any other individual.
Medical grade masks should be provided at each Montana VA clinical location. All masks provided by MTVAHCS are FDA approved.
Outside of emergency situations, Montana VA strongly encourages each Veteran to wear a mask or try to utilize another means of obtaining services, such as telehealth. Face shields are not adequate when used alone and are not a sufficient form of infection control against COVID.
Please note there are always exceptions. However, if a Veteran refuses to comply with the masking policy, we may have to ask them to leave. If you have questions, or would like to discuss your specific circumstances, please reach out to the clinic staff prior to your visit.
Mask Courtesy:
At Montana VA, we all share in the responsibility of keeping Veterans, staff, and visitors safe. Please, politely remind others, and be gracious if you are reminded to wear a mask.