Detroit Vet Center - Telehealth
We have easy-to-use telehealth platforms that allow us to provide you with our same high-quality services virtually. All you need is a smartphone or similar device, an internet connection, and a private location.
Detroit Vet Center - Women Veteran care
We work closely with the women Veterans program managers from these VA medical centers:
Lakeland Vet Center - Community engagement
To complement our counseling services, we partner with entities, such as these:
- Local first responders
- The American Legion The American Legion is a Veterans service organization aimed at advocating patriotism across the U.S. through diverse programs and member benefits. They're located at 1375 Ariana Street in Lakeland, Florida. You can contact them at 863-683-8710.
Lakeland Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care
We work with the Substance Use Disorder Program at James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa. This program is located at 10770 North 46th Street.
If you're looking for substance abuse programs or clinics please call 813-631-7100 or 813-972-2000 and wait for the automated response to choose the correct department.
Lakeland Vet Center - Veteran connections
We can help you with the following:
- Understanding VA medical benefits and documents needed for enrollment
- Finding a VSO to file claims and other benefits paperwork
- Connecting with representatives for VA education benefits
- Learning more about VA and state burial benefits
- Learning more about housing and VA home loans
We can also connect you to local Veterans Services Organizations.
Lakeland Vet Center - Suicide prevention
You can also text the Veterans Crisis Line at 838255 or visit the site for confidential chat.
Find help at the Veterans Crisis Line
Our primary focus is your safety. If you feel hopeless, suicidal, or in need of crisis care, just let your counselor know. Together, we can work to help you stay safe and improve your world.
Forest Park Vet Center - Telehealth
We serve our remote communities using VA Video Connect. Call us at 708-457-8805 to learn how we can complement your in-person care with virtual services.
Springfield, IL Vet Center - Whole health
We partner with community organizations to offer therapeutic activities such as these:
- Music therapy
- Art therapy
- Book club group
- PGA Hope golf group
Metro East Vet Center - Workshops and classes
We offer social and recreational groups, such as these:
- Veteran writing group
- Biking group
- Hiking group
Saginaw Vet Center - Vocational rehabilitation and employment programs
We coordinate with case managers from VA’s Veteran Readiness and Employment Program (VR&E), who also provide limited services on site. Contact us for more information.