Fargo Vet Center - Telehealth
Busy schedule? Don't have time for a drive to Fargo? We get it. We have easy-to-use telehealth platforms that allow us to provide you with our same high-quality services virtually. All you need is a smartphone or similar device, an internet connection, and a private location.
Fargo Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
We partner with VA Fargo health care. They have HUD-VASH social workers to serve those who need housing assistance. If you’re homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, please call our office to see if you qualify for housing assistance through VA or additional community resources so we can connect you to HUD-VASH.
Bay County Vet Center - Workshops and classes
We also offer alternative therapies based on participation and availability including:
- Zentangle: relaxation through doodle art
- Art: instructor-led paint class
- Music: guitar lessons
- Golf therapy (every Tuesday): for Veterans with PTSD and/or physical disabilities; taught by golf course pros
Kansas City Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
We can connect you with VA’s HUD-VASH program or other community resources.
Madison Vet Center - Telehealth
If you have any difficulty getting to one of our locations, please call to discuss video and phone options.
Madison Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care
We collaborate with partners to support our Veteran community. Some of our partners include:
Rapid City Vet Center - Women Veteran care
We offer a women’s support group. We have female counselors who can focus on your needs and support you with any readjustment concerns you may experience. Our goal is to provide an environment free from harassment that meets your unique needs.
Chicago Heights Vet Center - Telehealth
Busy schedule? We get it. We have easy-to-use telehealth platforms that allow us to provide you with the same high-quality services virtually. Please let your assigned counselor know, and we'll accommodate you to the best of our ability. All you need is a smartphone (or similar device), internet connection, and a private location.
St. Louis Vet Center - Women Veteran care
We have a women Veteran group available. If you're interested in joining, give us a call. You'll need a counselor's referral to join.