Bloomfield Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care
As a leader in care for LGBTQ+ Veterans, we are committed to serving you. We partner with VA and community agencies to make sure Veterans and service members can get the assistance they need and the benefits they earned.
St. Petersburg Vet Center - Telehealth
Jupiter Vet Center - Telehealth
Busy schedule? Don’t have time for Florida traffic? We get it. We have easy-to-use telehealth platforms that allow us to provide you with our same high-quality services virtually. All you need is a smartphone or similar device, an internet connection, and a private location.
Jupiter Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care
Unhealthy substance use often goes hand in hand with PTSD, depression, or stress. We can help you understand how problematic drinking, drug use, or gambling might be related to other stressors in your life and we can teach you how to take control over your substance use. We can also connect you to more intensive or comprehensive substance use treatment programs within VA or in our community, if needed.
Jupiter Vet Center - Whole health
We offer a mindfulness group that’s open to all era combat Veterans and service members.
Hatillo Vet Center - Women Veteran care
We offer a women’s Veterans support group. Call us for more information.
Hatillo Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care
We proudly celebrate diversity among those we serve. We work closely with the LGBTQ+ Veteran care coordinator at our local VA and can make direct referrals.
Gainesville Vet Center - Whole health
We provide the following specialized and recreational groups:
- Guitars for Vets group
- Gardening group (upcoming)
- Tai Chi by VAMC Whole Health Coaching Program (upcoming)
Gainesville Vet Center - Vocational rehabilitation and employment programs
We can connect you with the Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) counselors from the Veterans Benefits Administration. We currently have a VR&E counselor onsite once a week to facilitate a warm hand-off to meet your needs.
If you are service connected 10% or higher, you may be eligible to participate and apply to receive services under the VR&E program.
Please contact us for more information.
Savannah Vet Center - Telehealth
Busy schedule? We get it! We have easy-to-use telehealth platforms that allow us to provide you with the same high-quality services virtually. Please let your assigned counselor know, and we'll accommodate you to the best of our ability. All you need is a smartphone (or similar device), internet connection, and a private location.