Lexington Vet Center - Telehealth

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We understand that your time is important and that it may be more convenient for you to have a phone or video appointment. Let your assigned counselor know and we will accommodate your request. 

We have easy-to-use telehealth platforms that allow us to provide you with our same high-quality services virtually. All you need is a smartphone or similar device, an internet connection, and a private location. 

Lexington Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care

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Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness are strongly encouraged to contact the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 for assistance.

We work closely with the following partners to help you connect with services: 

Jacksonville, FL Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care

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Our team works closely with LGBTQ+ Veteran care coordinators and transgender care coordinators locally and throughout the North Florida/South Georgia Health Care System and can ease the process of providing a warm hand-off referral, based on the Veteran’s or service member’s needs.  

Learn more about North Florida/South Georgia Health Care LGBTQ+ services

Look for our Mobile Vet Center and staff at many LGBTQ+ events and celebrations, including annual pride parades.