Columbus, OH Vet Center - Whole health

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Vet Center service description

We work to bridge mental health care with every aspect of Veterans’ and service members’ lives. You can expect your counselor to help you highlight the connection between mental health and various aspects of self-care (such as food and drink, working your body, surroundings, spirit and soul, personal development, recharging, and relationships).

We also offer a monthly presentation providing orientation to the Vet Center, an explanation of the VA organization, and an education on commonly available Veterans benefits. 

Classes occur from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month. 

Minot Vet Center - Telehealth

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

We want to make counseling convenient for you. We use virtual platforms such as WebEx and VA Videoconnect. If you can’t make it to the Minot Vet Center because of a hectic schedule, location, or illness, we can schedule a telehealth appointment for you. All you need is a smartphone or laptop, internet connection, and private location. We’ll be there for you.

Minot Vet Center - Homeless Veteran care

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

Our team can connect you with VA’s HUD-VASH Program, Supportive Services for Veterans and Family, and other community resources and partners.

You can also call the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 877-424-3838 for assistance.

Learn more about Fargo VA Medical Center homeless community resource and referral center