Spiritual and religious services
Chaplain Service is based at the Dallas VA Medical Center. However, chaplains work in locations throughout the metroplex, such as Fort Worth, Bonham, and Garland.
Our chaplains are on-site seven days a week for spiritual care from 7:30 to 4:00 p.m., but you can reach chaplains 24 hours a day.
After hours, our chaplains respond to calls from home to provide spiritual support for Veteran deaths and other emergency needs.
Our chaplains help patients and family members through outpatient treatment, hospital stays, and extended care. If needed, they will contact your personal clergy or spiritual care provider in the community. Our chaplains are clinical pastoral care specialists who provide religious and non-religious people with services such as:
Bereavement (grief and loss) care
Final roll call/memorial services
Sacraments (communion and sacrament of the sick)
Bereavement (grief and loss) care
Clinical pastoral education
Comfort and counseling
Spiritual literature
Employee Support
Whole Health
Bereavement care:
Bereavement care is a best practices model that accompanies a Veteran’s grieving family and loved ones for 13 months immediately after the Veteran’s death. The purpose is to assist the bereaved in learning how to say goodbye in ways that are meaningful for them and, ultimately, in ways that are healing as well.
The Bereavement Care Coordinator (BCC) makes phone calls within two weeks, at 30 days, and every quarter following a loss. In addition, they provide additional grief and bereavement resources specific to the griever’s needs. We ensure that no one is forgotten during the holidays regardless of where they fall within the 13-month cycle.
An essential aspect of bereavement care is education:
- Normalizing the grieving process
- Providing helpful spiritual information and tools for adults
- Children and grandchildren
- Anyone grieving the loss of the Veteran
Another component of bereavement support is the recognition of types of complicated grief and guiding the bereaved toward professional help as appropriate.
Final roll call & memorial service:
In addition, the bereavement care program incorporates a last roll call ceremony of remembrance as a public honoring of those whose earthly journey has ended.
Quarterly, Veteran families and loved ones can participate in a live memorial service that lifts the names of those we have lost. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, services were recorded and sent to families with a link to view the service from their homes.
We honor our nation’s Veterans and those that care for them by providing bereavement care, reminding those with heavy hearts that they are not alone.
Telehealth & virtual care
- Chaplains are available virtually by appointment or provider consult
Worship services
People of all faiths and traditions are invited to attend. Please call the chaplain office for days and times these services are offered.
Protestant Christian Inter-denominational Services: Sunday
Catholic Mass: Coming soon
Islamic: Coming soon
Holidays: Most holidays have special opportunities for worship as well.
Research shows that spiritually active patients experience or report:
- Faster healing
- Greater coping skills
- Reduced pain
- Better quality of life
Contact a chaplain
Please contact Chaplain Service at 817-335-2202.
Interfaith Chapel/Mediation Room
Dallas VA Medical Center Chapel
Building 1A
Room N-503
Map of Dallas campus
Hours: Coming soon!
Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center Chapel
Building 2
Room 140
Map of Sam Rayburn campus
Hours: Coming soon!
VA Fort Worth Outpatient Clinic Meditation Room
Room 1N-505
Hours: Open to the public during Fort Worth Outpatient Clinic Open hours.