About VA Battle Creek Healthcare System
The VA Battle Creek Healthcare System provides you with outstanding health care, trains America’s future health care providers, and conducts important medical research.
Health care and services
We provide you with health care services at 6 locations in southern and western Michigan. Facilities include our Battle Creek VA Medical Center and 5 community-based outpatient clinics in Wyoming, Muskegon, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Benton Harbor. To learn more about the services each location offers, visit the VA Battle Creek health services page.
The VA Battle Creek Healthcare System is one of the leading health care systems serving Veterans in the Veterans Integrated Service Network 10 (VISN 10), which includes medical centers and clinics in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Kentucky.
Learn more about VISN 10
Research and development
The Research Program at the Battle Creek VA Medical Center supports the research activities of investigators located in Battle Creek, as well as at the Wyoming, Lansing, Benton Harbor, and Muskegon CBOCs. Through it we aim to offer our Veterans the opportunity to participate in studies that promote their health and well-being, to attract, train, and retain high caliber clinician-investigators, and ultimately to use research to promote better health and better health care for Veterans and all Americans. Currently, our projects are primarily in Pharmacy and Mental Health, but we are working to expand research opportunities to more areas of the Medical Center. Our growing program thrives on partnerships and we work closely with the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS). We also have continuing and past partnerships with Ferris State University, Western Michigan University, University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Central Michigan University, Homer J Stryker Medical School, and more. We are always seeking to develop new collaborations and expand those we have.
Fast facts
- Battle Creek VA Healthcare System serves 43,150 Veterans.
- In 2020, we had a total 1,617 employees. Of that, 459 employees were Veterans.
- We had 445 volunteers in 2020 who donated 36,100 hours to help our Veterans.
- Battle Creek VA Medical Center was completed in 1924. It was first called Veterans Hospital Number 100 because it was the 100th VA hospital in the United States.
- Our hospital is adjacent to Fort Custer, which is now a National Guard training center.
- Our campus includes 206 acres and about 30 buildings.
- Our hospital has 276 total operating beds. That includes 55 mental health beds, 109 community living center beds and 101 rehabilitation treatment beds.
- We keep an active social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Accreditations and achievements
The VA Battle Creek Healthcare System has received the following awards:
- Leader in LGBT health care equality, 2020
- National Center for Patent Safety Cornerstone gold status, 2020
- Community Living Center 5-Star overall rating, 2020
- Practice Greenhealth Environmental Excellence Award, 2020
- National HeRO Award for Clinical Group-Shringrix RCA team
Our facilities and programs have received accreditation from: