
Mental health care

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VA Boston offers comprehensive mental health care services
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VA Boston health care operates a comprehensive behavioral health program that provides Veteran-focused mental health care. Ask a care coordinator about treatment options suited to your unique needs.
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If you qualify for VA health care, you can get high-quality mental health services as part of your benefits. You may also be able to get care for certain mental health problems even if you don't have VA health care.

Contact us

Veterans in need of emergency assistance can call the Veterans Crisis Line 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1

During normal business hours, veterans can also be evaluated urgently at:

  • Jamaica Plain Urgent Care Clinic 857-364-5250
  • Brockton Urgent Care Clinic 774-826-2318
  • West Roxbury Emergency Department 857-203-5425 or 857-203-5426

For non-urgent matters, please call one of the following Mental Health numbers so that we may assist you: 

  • Jamaica Plain: 857-364-5647
  • Brockton: 774-826-1778 or 774-826-2325
  • Causeway: 617-248-1071
  • Lowell: 978-671-9193

Routine outpatient mental health services are not available at the West Roxbury campus; however, you can access the Emergency Room at that location 24/7, and patients enrolled in Primary Care at that site can access our co-located Primary Care Behavioral Health team through a referral from their primary care provider.



Mental health services are confidential. We will not talk to anyone about information you share unless you give written consent. Under federal law, a few exceptions to this rule exist. If you have questions, please ask your mental health provider.


Care we provide at VA Boston health care

The Behavioral Health Department offers both inpatient and outpatient services, including telehealth appointments. We provide consultation, evaluation, and treatment for a variety of issues impacting emotional well-being. Our services include...

Mental health outpatient treatment for Veterans with any mental health concern, such as:

  • alcohol and drug abuse
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • depression or sadness
  • anxiety
  • schizophrenia or manic depressive illness

Outpatient mental health treatment may consist of:

  • individual therapy
  • couples and family therapy
  • group therapy
  • medications

In addition, specialized programs are available for returning Veterans and for women Veterans.

Inpatient care is also available for Veterans in need of intensive treatment. Our residential/transitional programs provide temporary housing to Veterans while offering treatments for a wide range of mental health concerns including substance abuse, as well as job training.

Learn more about Mental Health - ICIRT - formerly Serious Mental Illness programs.


Veterans CARE Project

Veterans Coordinated Approach to Recovery and Employment (Veterans CARE) is a VA, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and City of Boston initiative to help Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) find and keep good jobs. Hear from the Veterans CARE team and participating Veterans.


Veterans CARE is an initiative of the VA to support unemployed or underemployed Veterans with PTSD in attaining competitive, compatible employment. The program provides Individual Placement and Support (IPS), an evidence-based approach to supported employment that emphasizes rapid job search that matches an individual’s needs and preferences, alongside integrated mental health care. IPS Employment Specialists work closely with participants’ mental health care providers to ensure that employment opportunities match their needs.


  • U.S. Military Veterans
  • Under age of 63
  • Service-connected disability for PTSD
  • Unemployed or underemployed
  • Desire to pursue competitive employment


  • 1:1 support from IPS Employment Specialists to rapidly find competitive employment that matches your interests and skills.
  • On-going support once employed to help with any workplace concerns
  • Frequent in-person and telephone communication
  • Integrated mental health care
  • No changes to VA benefits


George is an Army Veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He participated in the Veterans CARE project in summer 2018. His IPS Employment Specialist, Anne, helped him find work as a research assistant.

“They care about you. They want to see you succeed. They want you to achieve beyond the military. It's just life doesn't stop after the military. There's a lot more that you have to offer society.” — George


Will I lose my service-connected benefits by participating in this program? 
VA benefits cannot be reduced, denied, or discontinued based on participation in this program. IPS Employment Specialists help Veterans obtain personalized, understandable, and accurate information about their VA, Social Security, Medicaid, and other government entitlements.

What if I have PTSD, but not a service- connection designation? 
While this program is only open to Veterans with service-connected PTSD, we would be happy to connect with you if you are ineligible to discuss other programs for you to participate in.

Will my participation in this program be disclosed to employers? 
Disclosure of PTSD diagnosis to employers would only happen with permission from the Veteran.


Contact Emma, VA Boston Healthcare System Individual Placement & Support (IPS) Coordinator, 857-364-3443.