Title Radiation safety Meta Meta description Find information about working safely with radioactive materials or sources of ionizing radiation, as well as required forms. Content Page introduction Find information about working safely with radioactive materials or sources of ionizing radiation, along with required forms. Generate a table of contents from major headings Include table of contents Main content Authorization forms Prior to conducting any research that involves radioactive materials, you'll need to complete (and receive approval of) these forms: Part V: Application to Use Radioactive Materials (VA RSC 313) (DOC) Application for Personal Radiation Monitoring Device (DOC) Authorization to Purchase or Use X-Ray Equipment (VA RSC 313X) (DOC) Form Letter for Declaration of Pregnancy & RSO risk evaluation (DOC) Guidelines and policies Safety manuals The VAPHS Radiation Safety Manual is currently being revised. For questions or more information about radiation safety, please contact our radiation safety officer. Safety programs VHA National Health Physics Program VHA Directive 1105 Management of Radioactive Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Policies VAPHS' Research & Development Radiation Safety Policy is currently under revision. Please contact Mitch Belanger with any questions. VAPHS Policy: Human Subject Exposure to Radiation (PDF) Documenting radioactive materials in the lab For more information about monitoring the receipt, use, and disposal of radioactive materials in research labs, review the following two documents Record for Radioactive Waste Disposal (DOC) Radioactive Spill Report – Contamination Survey (DOC) Required training VA Central Office (VACO) requires that all laboratory research personnel working with ionizing radiation receive general training on an annual basis. Please email our radiation safety officer for the radiation safety training materials. The required training includes a review of the VAPHS Research Radiation Safety Policy, which you can access online or in your laboratory. Your PI or supervisor will train you in the specific procedures and protocols to be used in your laboratory. Contact the radiation safety officer Mitch Belanger Radiation safety officer Contact information Email: mitch.belanger@va.govPhone: 412-360-3221Fax: 412-360-6907Mail: Mitch Belanger VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System Mail Code: 132N-U University Drive C Pittsburgh, PA 15240 Office location University Drive campus Building 1 Room 10E148Map of University Drive campus Related Links More research safety information General research Find information on safety protocols and review processes for general research at VA Pittsburgh. Animal research Find information on special safety protocols and review processes for research with animal subjects at VA Pittsburgh. Human research Find information on special safety protocols and review processes for research with human subjects at VA Pittsburgh.