How to Become a Martinsburg VAMC Volunteer
Becoming a volunteer at the Martinsburg VAMC is easy. You don’t have to be an employee or even a Veteran to volunteer, so everyone is welcomed to apply.
Here’s how you become a Martinsburg VAMC volunteer:
1. Contact the Voluntary Service to let us know that you’re interested in Volunteering.
2. Talk with the Chief of Voluntary Service to work out a volunteer role for yourself.
3. Attend new volunteer orientation (complete required paperwork and educational briefings).
4. Get a TB Test (done for free by our medical center)
5. Receive your PIV (I.D.) badge
4. Meet your volunteer assignment supervisor and get oriented to the setting.
Youth Volunteers
Our medical center runs a Youth Volunteer Program every Summer. During an 8-week period running from the Middle of June to the Middle of August, we have teens age 13 to 17 participate as volunteers throughout our facility. Some of the volunteer role available to our youth are Red Coat Ambassadors, transporters, recreation aides, warehouse aides etc.
A message announcing the program normally goes out via News Bytes and Facebook in April. Sign-ups are taken until we reach our maximum number of volunteers for the year. We always give our returning volunteers the first opportunity to participate each year, plus bring on new volunteers each Summer. Orientation is normally done in May, so the volunteers are ready to “hit the ground running” in June.