Course Goals:
Surgeons find their field to be the most exciting and interesting in medicine and we hope that medical students genuinely grow and enjoy their surgical rotation. Most important, we encourage students to have an open mind regarding their eventual career choice and to spend the appropriate time and effort to make this important decision.
Course goals include:
- Basic Surgical techniques
- Wound healing: phases and clinical exam
- Surgical infection: evaluation and management
- Abdominal pain evaluation and exam
- Elements of Surgery History and Physical
- Preoperative surgical risk assessment
- Recovery from major surgical procedures
Measurable Course Objectives:
- Learn to tie knots, close skin incisions
- Learn sterile technique
- Become a team member, rounds, notes, time out, lead discussion
- Public speaking experience with case presentation
Assessment Methods:
Students will be assessed using the UA Faculty Assessment of Student Performance form. It is very important that students work with the course director during the course of the rotation, although some input may come from surgery residents and other faculty. Students are asked to request an informal mid-point meeting with the course director with regard to progress and they are encouraged to give feedback.
- Show interest and enthusiasm for patient care and your profession. We want you to enjoy and learn a lot during this rotation.
- Arrive early for rounds and participate with the surgical team. Be organized and inform others of information as you integrate into the team.
- Know your patients and read about cases you plan to join the day before surgery. As much as possible, take responsibility for their care as you become their doctor.
- Learn to tie knots and some basic suturing with the residents outside the OR. You can then be more active during the case. This is important even if you are not going into surgery as this maybe the only time that you have to acquire such skills.
- Do a case presentation during conference. Public speaking is a difficult skill for most, however it can be very valuable in your career later down the line.
- Look at surgical sub-specialties and anesthesia, feel free to inquire about cases and do not limit yourself at this stage.
- Do not be shy, we want to get to know you. You will find that learning opportunities are often all around as long as you recognize the moments, make inquires and pursuits.
- Show courtesy and professionalism to those you encounter: patients, staff, residents, nurses, and all. This is very important.
Format (This applies to General Surgery Students/Residents):
The daily schedule is variable. Students are expected to do morning rounds as part of the surgical team under the leadership of the general surgery Chief Resident.
Surgery Days:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Clinic Day:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Banner Student Lecture:
Surgery M and M: All Tuesday's except 1st of the month Conf Room 3134 Surgery Dept
Tumor Treatment: 2nd, 4th and 5th Friday, 7:30 am ACC Basement
GI/Surgery: 1st Friday, 7:30 am conf room 3134
Banner Good Sam Lecture: Thursday 8 am
General Surgery Rounds and Preop: Thursday afternoon
Recommended Reading:
Banner Program Material
We consider it a great honor for those who pursue a career in surgery, however, we hope this clerkship will be a valuable experience no matter what field you enter.