
Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center

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Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center
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The Phoenix Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery Center is an intensive day treatment center that supports Veterans with an acute or chronic mental health diagnosis, such as PTSD, depression, bipolar or schizophrenia, that is current resulting in significant impairment in daily activities and functioning.
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The PRRC team partners with Veterans and assists them in reaching their self-chosen goals by providing support, education, and treatment opportunities meant to foster empowerment, instill hope, validate strengths, teach life skills and facilitate community integration.

PRRC provides classes focused on effective symptom management, improved communication, increased self-esteem and positive coping. Classes include a variety of evidence-based practices that promote recovery, including social skills training, creative arts therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. Services provided include the following: individual recovery planning, mental health education and skills building, wellness and enrichment opportunities, community experiences, peer support, case management and family education.

The mission of the PRRC is to provide a roadmap toward self-empowerment, wellness, and recovery through collaborative, professional and recovery-oriented therapeutic services.


  • Self-Direction- Veterans guide the direction of their own recovery path
  • Individualized and Veteran-Centered Care- A Veteran’s goals are specific to needs, preferences and experiences
  • Empowerment- Veterans have the power to choose various treatment options based on provided education.
  • Holistic Approach to Care- Recovery embraces all aspects of life, including mind, body, spirit and community
  • Non-Linear- Recovery is not a step-by-step process but one based on continual growth, occasional setbacks, and learning from experience
  • Strengths-based- Recovery focuses on valuing and building upon talents, coping skills, and resiliencies
  • Peer Support- Veterans who have experienced what you are going through are available to provide mutual support and experiential knowledge
  • Respect- Veterans are appreciated and accepted across all aspects of life
  • Responsibility- Veterans have personal responsibility for their own self-care and journeys of recovery
  • Hope- Recovery provides hope for a better future. Veterans can and do
    overcome barriers and obstacles.

How can I participate?
Ask your Mental Health Provider for a referral or speak to a PRRC staff at 602-277-5551 ext. 6471