
Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)

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Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)
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Process your beneficiary travel reimbursement claims online via BTSSS.
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get your travel pay faster with electronic filing and direct deposit

About Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS)

Beneficiary Travel Self Service System (BTSSS) replaces the existing legacy BT module with a modern, cloud-based Dynamics 365 solution. This solution provides an intuitive interface for claimants such as Veterans and caregivers to submit and track their beneficiary travel claims. BTSSS provides a more Veteran-focused experience for beneficiary travel reimbursements, allowing claimants to submit and track travel claims at their convenience. BTSSS also provides capabilities for beneficiaries to receive payments by electronic funds transfer and helps to eliminate fraud, waste and abuse.

Click to access BTSSS through Access VA. 

Preparing For Your First Visit

To prepare for filing your first claim with BTSSS, do these three things to help your claims processing go smoothly.

For more tips and instructions on how to use BTSSS, watch our six-video playlist.

Call the Montana VA Health Care System Beneficiary Travel Department at (406) 447-7409

Location Information:
Building #154, Room A133
Fort Harrison VA Medical Center
Helena, MT