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Veteran Readiness and Employment (formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or Voc Rehab) helps Veterans and service members whose ability to work is limited by a service-connected disability. Learn about this program (also known as VR&E or Chapter 31) and the 5 service tracks.

VR&E support-and-services tracks

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If you’re a Veteran or service member with a service-connected disability that impacts your ability to work, the Veteran Readiness and Employment program (formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment) may be able to help. We offer 5 support-and-services tracks to help you get education or training, find and keep a job, and live as independently as possible. Explore the different tracks—and find out how to apply for benefits and services.

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Reemployment track

If you’re a Veteran with a service-connected disability, the Reemployment track can help you return to your former job and support your employer in meeting your needs.

Learn about the Reemployment track

Rapid Access to Employment track

If you want to find a job or career that uses your existing skill set, the Rapid Access to Employment track can help you with your job search.

Learn about the Rapid Access to Employment track

Self-Employment track

If you’re a service member or Veteran with a service-connected disability and employment barrier, the Self-Employment track can help you start your own business.

Learn about the Self-Employment track

Employment Through Long-Term Services track

If you have a service-connected disability and employment barrier, we can help you get the education or training you need to find work in a different field.

Learn about the Employment Through Long-Term Services track

Independent Living track

If you can’t return to work right away, you may qualify for services that can help you live as independently as possible.

Learn about the Independent Living track