South Burlington Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care

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Vet Center service description

We can help all eligible LGBTQ+ Veterans with counseling, therapy, support, and referral services to meet specific needs.

We also work closely with LGBTQ+ service providers at the White River Junction VA Healthcare System and other community partners, and we can make a direct referrals.  

South Burlington Vet Center - Women Veteran care

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Vet Center service description

The South Burlington Vet Center is staffed with women counselors who can focus on the needs of women Veterans and your cultural transformation along with any readjustment issues you may experience.  The goal is to provide an environment free from harassment that meets the unique needs of women Veterans.  We offer various groups specifically for women. Please contact us for current group offerings as they change periodically.

Tulsa Vet Center - LGBTQ+ Veteran care

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

The Tulsa Vet Center offers mental health counseling, support and case management services.

Our team works closely with LGBTQ+ service providers at Eastern Oklahoma Health Care System and can east the process of providing a warm hand-off referral, based on the Veteran's needs.  You can learn more by visiting the Eastern Oklahoma Health Care LGBTQ+ webpage

Tulsa Vet Center - Whole health

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

Tulsa Vet Center offers therapeutic activities such as:

  • Music therapy can be beneficial for service members and Veterans of all ages and abilities. This guitar group builds strength and resiliency through skill building, relaxation, connection, and creative self expression. All levels of experience are welcomed.

  • Get MOVING!! This "come as you are" walking group is open to service members, Veterans, family members, and their Veteran friends. Stay together with the group or go at your own pace! 

Boulder Vet Center - Whole health

Vet Center
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Vet Center service description

At the Boulder Vet Center, we work to bridge mental health care with every other aspect of Veterans’ lives. You can expect your counselor to help you highlight the connection between mental health and various aspects of self-care (e.g. food and drink, working your body, surroundings, spirit and soul, personal development, recharging, and relationships).

We also provide groups for Yoga, Music Therapy, Mindfulness and more. Please reach out to the Boulder Vet Center at 303-440-7306 to find out more.