Charleston, WV Vet Center - Grief and bereavement counseling
At the Charleston Vet Center we offer counseling and other support such as:
- Bereavement counseling for families who have lost a loved one while they were serving on active duty
- Grief counseling
- Contact information to the Veterans Benefits Administration and National Cemetery regarding possible burial and survival benefits
Charleston, WV Vet Center - Couples and family counseling
“If you consider them family, so do we.”
Charleston Vet Center counselors incorporate therapeutic techniques using the following modalities while serving you and your loved ones:
- Supportive Family Therapy
- Internal Family Systems Therapy
- Systemic Family Therapy
- Strategic Family Therapy
- Gottman Method
In addition, our counselors will provide education to family members regarding the Veteran's military related problems and/or post military readjustment.
Portland, OR Vet Center - Veteran connections
We understand that navigating the variety of resources can be a challenge. The Portland Vet Center can educate you on topics such as:
- How to get VA medical benefits and register for care
- Where to go to file claims and other forms
- Understanding your VA education benefits
- Housing and home loans
- Education and referral for VA burial benefits
- How to connect with local Veterans Service Organizations
Portland, OR Vet Center - Community engagement
To complement our counseling services, the Portland Vet Center partners with entities such as:
- Local Veteran/Service Member support organizations
- National Guard and Reserve units
Berlin Vet Center - Returning service member care
Berlin Vet Center understands that the transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge. We offer a variety of ways to assist you in that process such as:
- How to get VA medical benefits and register for care
- Where to go to file claims and other forms
- Understanding your VA education benefits
- Housing and home loans
- Education and referral for VA burial benefits
The Berlin Vet Center can also connect you to Veterans Service Organizations in your community.
Berlin Vet Center - PTSD care
At the Berlin Vet Center, we offer individual and couples counseling.
Care at our Center includes:
- Anger Management
- Stress Management
- Activity engagement
- Healthy coping skills development
Berlin Vet Center - Suicide prevention
Berlin Vet Center - Mental health care
At the Berlin Vet Center, we offer individual and couples counseling. We also provide referral services to appropriate resources in our community
Care at our center includes:
- One-on-one hour-long counseling sessions targeted at your individual needs
- Couple counseling to strengthen families/relationships
Morgantown Vet Center - Military sexual trauma care
The Morgantown Vet Center has counselors who utilize a trauma-informed care approach to provide therapy and supportive services to MST survivors. We can accommodate your preference of counselors' gender. We can also facilitate enrollment and treatment in VA Healthcare for any physical injuries related to your MST.