Grants Pass Vet Center - Whole health

Service name
Vet Center service description

The Grants Pass Vet Center works closely with the Whole health program manager at the Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center & Clinics (SORCC) . If you would like to know more information about this please contact us to arrange that for you.

We also provide groups for Veterans that include walking, art, fishing, golf and bowling.

Grants Pass Vet Center - Returning service member care

Vet Center service description

The Grants Pass Vet Center understands that the transition from military to civilian life can be a challenge. We offer a variety of ways to assist you that process such as:

  • Referral on how to get VA medical benefits and register for care
  • Where to go to file claims and other forms
  • Understanding your VA education benefits
  • Referral for housing and home loans
  • Connections for VA burial benefits

Grants Pass Vet Center - Military sexual trauma care

Vet Center service description

The Grants Pass Vet Center has specialized approaches in individual and group settings to meet the needs of Veterans who are survivors of MST. Our counselors use a combination of  Cognitive Processing Therapy and Solution Focused methods to assist Veterans in finding a better quality of life.

Grants Pass Vet Center - Mental health care

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Vet Center service description

At Grants Pass Vet Center, we offer individual and group counseling, such as

  • PTSD Processing
  • Significant Others of Veterans support group
  • Stress Management

Our counselors offer evidence-based therapies, including

  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT)

We offer a number of evidence-based approaches in ongoing groups:

  • Women Veterans Group
  • OIF/OEF/OND Group
  • Veterans Open Processing group
  • Cave Junction Open Processing Group
  • Brookings Open Processing Group
  • Significant Other group
  • Stress Management Group
  • PTSD Open Processing
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Psycho-Dynamic Supportive Counseling

Grants Pass Vet Center - Couples and family counseling

Vet Center service description

The Grants Pass Vet Center provides counseling for couples and the entire family. We have a Significant Others Group for the family members to gain knowledge and find support while helping their Veteran or service member readjust. Our counselors have many years of experience that can help. 

Grants Pass Vet Center - Community engagement

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Vet Center service description

We also provide community outreach at local events to try and make it easier for the Veteran to access care through better access and coordination of care. If you see us in the community, come by and find out about the resources you have earned.

If you or your organization would like to learn more about the Veteran culture and how we through a collaboration can help the community as a whole please let us know. We are more than happy to provide group or individual briefings.

Every step we can take together in helping Veterans and service members find a better quality of life is one step well taken.

Grants Pass Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care

Vet Center service description

We understand how challenging addiction and or substance abuse can be to manage on a daily basis. Our counselors use a Harm Reduction process and assist Veterans in making connections to VA and community resources to meet their individual needs in overcoming addictions.