Peninsula Vet Center - Minority Veteran care
Vet Center
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Vet Center service description
The Peninsula Vet Center offers an African Americans Group.
Peninsula Vet Center - Whole health
Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description
At the Peninsula Vet Center, we offers groups for couples and families for whole health:
- Guitar group
- All Level Yoga
- Art Group
Peninsula Vet Center - Women Veteran care
Vet Center
Service name
Peninsula Vet Center - Mental health care
Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description
At the Peninsula Vet Center offers a wide range of groups for mental health care.
At Peninsula Vet Center, we offer one-on-one hour-long counseling sessions targeted at your individual needs.
We also offer group counseling for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans, Vietnam Veterans, Anger Management, and more.
Peninsula Vet Center - Community engagement
Vet Center
Service name
Peninsula Vet Center - Telehealth
Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description
The Vet Center use different forms of Telehealth for counseling services.
Peninsula Vet Center - Workshops and classes
Vet Center
Service name
Vet Center service description
At the Peninsula Vet Center offers a wide range of workshops for the Veteran community.
- End of Life Series
- VA Benefits and resources
- Pain Management
- Technology Management for video connect on mobile devices