Guam Vet Center - Couples and family counseling
Guam Vet Center has licensed behavioral health professionals who can provide services, including:
- Individual counseling for couples, spouses, children and significant others
- Couples counseling
Guam Vet Center - Community engagement
Guam Vet Center - Addiction and substance abuse care
Guam Vet Center has a specially trained therapist on staff to support your needs and can facilitate inpatient treatment if necessary.
Boise Vet Center - Veteran connections
Learn more on how to connect with veteran organizations and other community agencies that provide services to our active duty service members, Veterans, and family members. Opportunities to participate, volunteer, or conduct service projects are available within our community.
San Bernardino Vet Center - Mental health care
Specialty care includes
- Era-specific Groups (Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq)
- Women’s Group
- Recreational Groups
- Breakfast Group
We integrate techniques of the following therapies
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Family Systems Therapy
San Bernardino Vet Center - Grief and bereavement counseling
If you are having trouble adjusting to a difficult life change or someone close to you has passed away, the San Bernardino Vet Center can offer counseling and other support, such as:
- Bereavement counseling for families who have lost a loved one while they were serving on active duty.
- Grief counseling to help with a significant change or loss.
- Contact information to the Veterans Benefits Administration and National Cemetery regarding possible burial and survival benefits.
Boise Vet Center - Grief and bereavement counseling
Grief and bereavement counseling provided to any direct family member related to an active duty service member that was killed during their years of service.
Contact the Boise Vet Center for more information for counseling.